A Visionary Guide to Lucid Dreaming av Lee Adams

A Visionary Guide to Lucid Dreaming av Lee Adams

A step-by-step guide to building lucid dreaming skills and using dreamwork for personal development and transformation Provides an extensive inventory of beginning, intermediate, and advanced tools and practices for meaningful lucid dreamwork and shows how dreams can shape our cons......
fra 199,-
Tilgjengelig i 2 butikker
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<B>A step-by-step guide to building lucid dreaming skills and using dreamwork for personal development and transformation</B><BR><BR>• Provides an extensive inventory of beginning, intermediate, and advanced tools and practices for meaningful lucid dreamwork and shows how dreams can shape our conscious reality if we incorporate them into waking life <BR><BR>• Offers guidance to help you overcome mental or physical obstacles, including ways to stop sleep paralysis <BR><BR>• Examines supplements to aid lucid dreaming practice and increase the vividness and recall of dreams <BR><BR>Dreams offer a gateway into our psyche. Through lucid dreaming--when you have conscious awareness during sleep--you can access and interact with the subconscious mind for greater self-awareness, personal development, and transformation. <BR><BR>In this step-by-step guide to dreamwork, Lee Adams provides tools and techniques for encouraging, remembering, and using lucid dreams for personal growth
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A step-by-step guide to building lucid dreaming skills and using dreamwork for personal development and transformation* Provides an extensive inventory of beginning, intermediate, and advanced tools and practices for meaningful lucid dreamwork and shows how dreams can shape our conscious reality if we incorporate them into waking life * Offers guidance to help you overcome mental or physical obstacles, including ways to stop sleep paralysis * Examines supplements to aid lucid dreaming practice and increase the vividness and recall of dreams Dreams offer a gateway into our psyche. Through lucid dreaming--when you have conscious awareness during sleep--you can access and interact with the subconscious mind for greater self-awareness, personal development, and transformation. In this step-by-step guide to dreamwork, Lee Adams provides tools and techniques for encouraging, remembering, and using lucid dreams for personal growth as well as how to have big dreams that leave a lasting impact.Beginning with an overview of the history of lucid dreaming, he shares tried-and-true foundational practices to get you started--practices for before sleep, during sleep, and after dreaming. Drawing upon Jungian depth psychology, recent research in neuroscience, and years of personal dream practice, Adams then offers an extensive inventory of intermediate and advanced methods to support meaningful dreamwork, such as the Wake Induced Lucid Dreams technique (WILD), where you fall asleep while conscious and transport your active awareness into a dream state. He also explores dream companions, symbols of the unconscious mind, dream interpretation, and working with the shadow side of the self.He examines how dreams can shape our conscious reality if we incorporate them or their symbols into waking life. He offers guidance to help you overcome any mental or physical obstacles you may encounter, including ways to stop sleep paralysis. He also examines supplements to aid lucid dreaming practice, improve dream recall, and increase the vividness of dreams, such as Alpha-GPC, 5-HTP, Silene undulata, Mugwort, the mushroom Lion's Mane, and Galantamine.With this practical guide, you can ignite your mind's capacity to wake up to your own dreams and restructure your world to be more attuned to your deeper self.


Oppdag drømmenes verden med A Visionary Guide to Lucid Dreaming av Lee Adams

Drømmer kan være mer enn bare natteventyr; de kan bli en kilde til selvbevissthet og personlig utvikling. Med A Visionary Guide to Lucid Dreaming av Lee Adams får du en praktisk og omfattende guide til å mestre kunsten å ha lucid drømmer. Uansett om du er nybegynner eller har erfaring, finner du verktøy og teknikker som kan hjelpe deg med å utforske ditt indre jeg.

Bygg dine ferdigheter i lucid dreaming

  • Trinn-for-trinn-veiledning: Lær hvordan du kan utvikle ferdighetene dine med en strukturert tilnærming.
  • Metoder for alle nivåer: Inkluderer verktøy for nybegynnere, mellomliggende, og avanserte drømmere.
  • Overvinne hindringer: Få nyttige tips for å håndtere utfordringer som søvnparalyse og andre mentale barrierer.
  • Tilleggsstoffer for bedre drømmer: Oppdag naturlige kosttilskudd som kan forbedre drømmeopplevelsen din, som Alpha-GPC, Mugwort og Lion's Mane.

Hvordan lucid drømmer kan transformere din virkelighet

Med denne guiden lærer du hvordan du kan interagere med ditt underbevisste sinn og bruke drømmene til å forme din bevisste virkelighet. Ved å inkorporere drømmenes symbolikk i ditt våkne liv, kan du oppleve en dypere forbindelse med deg selv.

Få hjelp til å navigere i drømmenes landskap

Lee Adams kombinerer Jungiansk psykologi og nyeste forskning for å gi deg en dybdeforståelse av drømmer. Du vil oppdage hemmelighetene bak drømmetolkning og arbeidet med skygge-siden av deg selv. Med denne kunnskapen kan du lettere navigere i den mystiske verdenen av lucide drømmer.

Bli en mester i dine egne drømmer

Er du klar til å våkne opp til dine egne drømmer? Med A Visionary Guide to Lucid Dreaming av Lee Adams har du verktøyene du trenger for å gjøre nettopp det. Oppdag gleden ved å styre drømmene dine og la dem lede deg mot personlig vekst og transformasjon.



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