Diane Arbus: An Aperture Monograph Av Diane Arbus

Diane Arbus: An Aperture Monograph Av Diane Arbus

When Diane Arbus died in 1971 at the age of 48, she was already a significant influenceeven something of a legendfor serious photographers, although only a relatively small number of her most important pictures were widely known at the time. The publication of Diane Arbus: An Aperture Monograph...
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When Diane Arbus died in 1971 at the age of 48, she was already a significant influence—even something of a legend—for serious photographers, although only a relatively small number of her most important pictures were widely known at the time. The publication of <i>Diane Arbus: An Aperture Monograph</i> in 1972—along with the posthumous retrospective at The Museum of Modern Art—offered the general public its first encounter with the breadth and power of her achievements. The response was unprecedented. The monograph, composed of 80 photographs, was edited and designed by the painter Marvin Israel, Diane Arbus'' friend and colleague, and by her daughter Doon Arbus. Their goal in producing the book was to remain as faithful as possible to the standards by which Arbus judged her own work and to the ways in which she hoped it would be seen. Universally acknowledged as a photobook classic, <i>Diane Arbus: An Aperture Monograph</i> is a timeless masterpiece with editi
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When Diane Arbus died in 1971 at the age of 48, she was already a significant influence—even something of a legend—for serious photographers, although only a relatively small number of her most important pictures were widely known at the time. The publication of Diane Arbus: An Aperture Monograph in 1972—along with the posthumous retrospective at The Museum of Modern Art—offered the general public its first encounter with the breadth and power of her achievements. The response was unprecedented. The monograph, composed of 80 photographs, was edited and designed by the painter Marvin Israel, Diane Arbus'' friend and colleague, and by her daughter Doon Arbus. Their goal in producing the book was to remain as faithful as possible to the standards by which Arbus judged her own work and to the ways in which she hoped it would be seen. Universally acknowledged as a photobook classic, Diane Arbus: An Aperture Monograph is a timeless masterpiece with editions in five languages, and remains the foundation of her international reputation. A quarter of a century has done nothing to diminish the riveting impact of these pictures or the controversy they inspire. Arbus'' photographs penetrate the psyche with all the force of a personal encounter and, in doing so, transform the way we see the world and the people in it.


Oppdag Diane Arbus: An Aperture Monograph Av Diane Arbus

Dykk ned i en viktig samling av fotografisk kunst med Diane Arbus: An Aperture Monograph, en bok som har forandret hele måten vi ser på portrettfotografi. Utgitt for første gang i 1972, gir denne monografien et unikt innblikk i livet og arbeidet til en av de mest ikoniske fotografene fra det 20. århundre.

Om boken

Med 80 gripende fotografier, utvalgt og redigert av kunstneren Marvin Israel og hennes datter Doon Arbus, er denne monografien ikonet for Diane Arbus' kunstneriske arv. Boken er strukturert for å gjenspeile de høye standardene Arbus satte for sine egne verk, som i dag fortsatt resonnerer med både kritikere og kunstelskere.

Egenskaper ved Diane Arbus: An Aperture Monograph

  • Antall bilder: 80 inspirerende fotografier.
  • Format: Hardback, som gir en solid og elegant opplevelse.
  • Språk: Tilgjengelig i flere språk, perfekt for internasjonale lesere.
  • Visuelle elementer: Hvert bilde har en intensitet som utfordrer betrakteren, og utforsker det vanvittige og det skjønne i menneskelig erfaring.
  • Design: Omhyggelig utformet med tanke på å forbli tro mot Arbus’ kreative visjon.

Den tidløse innflytelsen

Selv etter nesten femti år fortsätter Diane Arbus: An Aperture Monograph å vekke sterke reaksjoner og følelser. Hennes bilder er ikke bare fotografier; de er en døråpner til en annen virkelighet, som tvinger deg til å konfrontere din egen oppfatning av normalitet og avvik.

Er dette boken for deg?

Enten du er en aspirerende fotograf, kunstner, eller bare en som ønsker å forstå den dype psykologien bak bilder, er Diane Arbus: An Aperture Monograph Av Diane Arbus et must-have i enhver samling. Bokas unike evne til å forandre perspektiv gjør den til en uvurderlig ressurs for både læring og inspirasjon.



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