The Art And Craft Of Motion Picture Editing Av Michael Hoggan

The Art And Craft Of Motion Picture Editing Av Michael Hoggan

This book explains the broader context of what the art and craft of motion picture editing entails, framing the creative acts of editing within an overall view of the production process and requirements for effective storytelling.This book offers real experiences and advice from seasoned editors on......
fra 439,-
Tilgjengelig i 2 butikker
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<P>This book explains the broader context of what the art and craft of motion picture editing entails, framing the creative acts of editing within an overall view of the production process and requirements for effective storytelling.</P><P>This book offers real experiences and advice from seasoned editors on the editing process, providing a detailed examination of filmmaking from the editor''s point of view and exploring how best to cultivate creative relationships with other areas of production to form the final personality of the film. Emphasizing both practicality and creativity, industry veteran Michael Hoggan successfully bridges the gap between the mechanical skills of editing and the thought process behind these decisions. While most books focus primarily on the mind of the creator, this book explores the evolution of practices in film production and editing with respect to the ever-changing expectations of the audience. As the book demonstrates, understanding editing from the a
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This book explains the broader context of what the art and craft of motion picture editing entails, framing the creative acts of editing within an overall view of the production process and requirements for effective storytelling.This book offers real experiences and advice from seasoned editors on the editing process, providing a detailed examination of filmmaking from the editor’s point of view and exploring how best to cultivate creative relationships with other areas of production to form the final personality of the film. Emphasizing both practicality and creativity, industry veteran Michael Hoggan successfully bridges the gap between the mechanical skills of editing and the thought process behind these decisions. While most books focus primarily on the mind of the creator, this book explores the evolution of practices in film production and editing with respect to the ever-changing expectations of the audience. As the book demonstrates, understanding editing from the audience’s perspective is essential to any successful film.This book will be of interest to post-production students, independent filmmakers, film critics, and agents with editing clients.It is accompanied by a collection of rich digital materials, including a glossary, bibliography, and more.


Oppdag Magien i "The Art And Craft Of Motion Picture Editing Av Michael Hoggan"

Er du en filmelsker, en blivende filmskaper, eller kanskje en student i post-produksjon? Da vil "The Art And Craft Of Motion Picture Editing Av Michael Hoggan" være et uunnværlig verktøy i din kreative reise. Denne boka gir deg en dyp innsikt i kunstformene og teknikkene som går inn i klipping av film, fra en av bransjens mest erfarne redaktører.

Hva Kan Du Forvente?

  • Praktisk Veiledning: Få ekte erfaringer og råd fra profesjonelle redaktører, som gir deg en realistisk forståelse av redigeringsprosessen.
  • Effektiv Historiefortelling: Boken setter redigering inn i et større perspektiv av produksjonsprosessen, noe som kan transformere hvordan du forteller historier.
  • Skapende Samarbeid: Lær hvordan du kan bygge kreative relasjoner med andre på produksjonsteamet for å forme filmens unike personlighet.
  • Publikumsfokus: Forstå redigering fra publikums perspektiv, en nøkkel for å skape filmer som fenger.

En Kombinasjon av Kunnskap og Kreativitet

"The Art And Craft Of Motion Picture Editing" av Michael Hoggan er ikke bare en teknisk manual; den er et verk som bygger bro mellom mekaniske ferdigheter og den kreative tankegangen som driver en vellykket redigeringsprosess. Ved å utforske utviklingen av redigeringspraksiser, tilpasset publikums stadig skiftende forventninger, gir Hoggan deg verktøyene du trenger for å bli en dyktigere filmskaper.

Rike Digitale Materialer

Som en bonus får du tilgang til et mangfold av digitale ressurser som ordlister, bibliografier og mer, som vil hjelpe deg på din læringsreise.

Ikke gå glipp av muligheten til å fordype deg i "The Art And Craft Of Motion Picture Editing Av Michael Hoggan". Enten du ønsker å forbedre dine redigeringsferdigheter, eller bare være bedre rustet til å forstå kunsten bak filmproduksjon, er denne boka et must-have for enhver ambisiøs filmskaper!



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