AWFS Fresh Wood Design Book

AWFS Fresh Wood Design Book

Discover the Next Generation of Woodworkers and Designers.Young designers and makers have more tools than ever to create what their mind can envision. CNC machining, robotics, 3D printing, and ever-advancing software continue to evolve and have become standards in......
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<p><strong>Discover the Next Generation of Woodworkers and Designers.</strong></p> <p>Young designers and makers have more tools than ever to create what their mind can envision. CNC machining, robotics, 3D printing, and ever-advancing software continue to evolve and have become standards in the toolbox of the next generation. To highlight this evolution, the American Woodworkers & Furnishings Suppliers (AWFS) sponsors a student competition with the finalist and winning pieces on display at the biennial AWFS Fair in Las Vegas, NV. With so many pieces of functional art displayed over the past several years, it was time to capture them all in one amazing volume.</p> <p>In the <em>Fresh Wood Design Book</em>, an inspiring collection of over 120 high-school and post-secondary student projects have been professionally photographed by furniture designer/maker Alan Harp, detailing their creative vision and their beautiful results. The projects in the <em>Fresh Wood Design Book</em
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Discover the Next Generation of Woodworkers and Designers. Young designers and makers have more tools than ever to create what their mind can envision. CNC machining, robotics, 3D printing, and ever-advancing software continue to evolve and have become standards in the toolbox of the next generation. To highlight this evolution, the American Woodworkers & Furnishings Suppliers (AWFS) sponsors a student competition with the finalist and winning pieces on display at the biennial AWFS Fair in Las Vegas, NV. With so many pieces of functional art displayed over the past several years, it was time to capture them all in one amazing volume. In the Fresh Wood Design Book, an inspiring collection of over 120 high-school and post-secondary student projects have been professionally photographed by furniture designer/maker Alan Harp, detailing their creative vision and their beautiful results. The projects in the Fresh Wood Design Book are as unique and inventive as each of the students. Some are reproductions and interpretations of famous styles others are new and igneous designs, but, in the end, all are a noteworthy combination of form and function. Ranging from creative tables and chairs, musical instruments, clocks, and furniture concepts, these projects will inspire students, woodworkers, makers, educators, and industry professionals and will provide a learning or motivational tool for anyone interested in working with wood. Also included is insight from each student discussing the challenges of the design and construction process, the use of new equipment and software, the woodworking techniques, and the complexities of proper finishing. More than a collection of finished pieces, the Fresh Wood Design Book is a glimpse into the future of woodworking and design.


Oppdag AWFS Fresh Wood Design Book

Har du noen gang ønsket å dykke ned i en verden av inspirerende design og kreative prosjekter? AWFS Fresh Wood Design Book tar deg med på en reise gjennom fantasifulle skaperverk fra unge designere og håndverkere. Dette er ikke bare en bok; det er en hyllest til innovasjon og håndverk i trebearbeiding.

En Samling av Ung Kreativitet

I denne fantastiske samlingen finner du over 120 prosjekter fra både videregående og høyere utdanning. Hvert prosjekt er fotografert av den talentfulle møbeldesigneren og -produsenten Alan Harp, som fanger essensen av studentenes kreative visjoner og imponerende resultater. Prosjektene spenner fra:

  • Kreative bord og stoler
  • Unike musikinstrumenter
  • Elegant klokker
  • Innovative møbelkonsepter

Innblikk i Designprosessen

I tillegg til en visuell fest, gir Fresh Wood Design Book et innblikk i de ulike utfordringene studentene har møtt under design- og byggeprosessen. Hver bidragsyter deler sine erfaringer, inkludert:

  • Bruken av moderne verktøy og programvare
  • Tradisjonelle trebearbeidingsteknikker
  • Optimale metoder for finishing

En Verktøykasse for Fremtidens Designere

Boken er mer enn bare en samling ferdige stykker; den er et motivasjonsverktøy for alle som er interessert i trearbeid. Enten du er student, entusiastisk håndverker, eller profesjonell designer, vil du ikke bare bli inspirert av de ferdige prosjektene, men også av prosessen bak dem. AWFS Fresh Wood Design Book er din sjanse til å oppdage og lære fra de beste innen en ny generasjon av trearbeidere og designere.



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