Critically acclaimed biopic based on a true story. James J. Braddock (Russell Crowe), dubbed 'Cinderella Man', was a once-promising light heavyweight who suffered a string of losses in the ring and broke his right hand. With one good hand, Braddock was forced to labour on the docks of Hoboken, while only his manager (Paul Giamatti) still believed in him, finding fights for Braddock to help support his wife (Renee Zellweger) and children. One of the sport's oddest couples, the diminutive, loquacious manager and the burly quiet boxer start to stage an impossible comeback. In the span of less than twelve months Braddock gets his shot at heavyweight champion Max Baer (Craig Bierko), renowned for having allegedly killed two men in the ring. As a 10-1 underdog, Braddock carries the hopes and dreams of the desperate Depression-era working class on his shoulders.
Pris og prishistorikk
Akkurat nå er 199,- den billigste prisen
for Cinderella Man 2005 blant
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