Become the greatest agricultural entrepreneur!
Are you tired of corporate life? Create your own farm from scratch! Plant vegetables and fruits, harvest crops, employ workers, take care of animals. Buy farm equipment, manage employees and just relax! After a hard day’s work - chill out at a farm!
Build your own farm full of village houses, sheds and granaries. Build roads and design optimal fields with various crops. Choose what you want to plant or sow: apples, beetroots, cabbages, carrots, corns, leeks, onions, pepper, pumpkins, sunflowers, tomatoes, wheat.
Make sure they are watered and kept away from pests!
Remember to take care of your animals! Prepare a place to live for cats, chickens, cows, dogs, goats, geese, horses, pigs, ostriches, rabbits and sheep. Don’t forget to feed them! Keeping them clean is also very important.
Running a big farm will teach you managing financial operations, recruiting human resources and most importantly being responsible for your
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