All 14 episodes of the Japanese anime based on the light novel series by Makoto Sanda. Three years after the Fourth Holy Grail War of 'Fate/Zero', Lord El Melloi II (voice of Daisuke Namikawa) investigates a series of magical mysteries as a representative of the Clock Tower. The episodes are: 'A Grave Keeper, a Cat and a Mage', 'Babylon, the Condemned and the Memories of the King', 'The Seven Stars and the Eternal Cage', 'Thunder and the Underground Labyrinth', 'A Workshop, a Grave and a Necromancer', 'The Farthest Spear and the Fairy Eyes', 'A Girl, a Department Store and a Gift', 'Rail Zeppelin: A Train Whistle of Departure and the First Murder', 'Rail Zeppelin: Gordius Wheel and the Memory of the King of Conquerors', 'Rail Zeppelin: A Sibyl, Decision and Child of Einnashe', 'Rail Zeppelin: Mystic Eyes of Transience and an Awakening Detective', 'Rail Zeppelin: The Residual Image and Auctions', 'Rail Zeppelin: Lightning and Shooting Star' and 'The Clock Tower, Usual Days and the First Step Forward to the Future'.
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