Another instalment of the Japanese sci-fi anime series set in the future where warring factions do battle in mobile robotic suits known as Gundams. Despite their defeat in the One Year War, a number of Zeon forces remain loyal to their leader, the vastly experienced Anavel Gato (voice of Akio Ootsuka). When Anavel begins hostility operations against the Earth Federation and steals their new flagship mobile suit, Gundam Unit 2, it falls upon rookie pilot Kou Uraki (Ryo Horikawa) to try and stop Anavel and the galvanised Zeon troops. The episodes are: 'Gundamjack', 'Endless Pursuit', 'Into Battle, Albion!', 'Attack and Retreat On the Burning Sand', 'Gundam, to the Sea of Stars', 'The Warrior of Von Braun', 'With Shining Blue Fire', 'Conspiracy Sector', 'The Nightmare of Solomon', 'Colliding War Zones', 'La Vie en Rose', 'Assault On the Point of No Return' and 'A Storm Raging Through'.
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