<p>Now in its twelfth edition, Political Ideologies and the Democratic Ideal continues the book''s tradition of offering a clear, concise and comprehensive introduction to the ideas and ideals that shake and shape our political world. The text outlines a framework defining each ideology in terms of the four functions ideologies performs ¿ explanation, evaluation, orientation, and political program ¿ allowing students to compare, contrast, and analyze the various ideologies, developing their own unique views and critical thinking skills.<br/></p><p><b>New to this Edition</b></p><ul><li>A new co-author, Jennet Kirkpatrick, recognized for her teaching and scholarship in political theory, feminist theory and resistance.</li><li>Chapter 2; updated material on voter suppression and populism.</li><li>Chapter 3; expanded discussion of the relationship between Adam Smith¿s moral and economic theories; how John Stuart Mill¿s views on free speech might apply to contemporary controversies; differ
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