<p>In this, the fourth edition of <em>Private International Law and the Internet</em>, Professor Dan Svantesson provides a detailed and insightful account of what has emerged as the most crucial current issue in private international law; that is, how the Internet affects and is affected by the five fundamental questions: When should a lawsuit be entertained by the courts? Which state’s law should be applied? When should a court that can entertain a lawsuit decline to do so? How wide ‘scope of jurisdiction’ should be afforded to a court with jurisdiction over a dispute? And will a judgment rendered in one country be recognized and enforced in another?</p><p>Professor Svantesson identifies and investigates twelve characteristics of Internet communication that are relevant to these questions and then proceeds with a detailed discussion of what is required of modern private international law rules.</p><p>Focus is placed on several issues that have far-reaching practical
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