Episodes 13-25 of the Japanese anime series in which high school student Natsuki Subaru (voice of Yûsuke Kobayashi) has his world turned upside down when he finds himself transported to an alternate reality. Disorientated by the alien land and unsure how he came to be there, he encounters an enchanting girl with long silver hair who introduces herself as Satella (Rie Takahashi) and helps him find his way. Desperate to repay her kindness, Subaru sets out on a journey to help the girl find a lost treasure. The episodes are - 'Self-Proclaimed Knight Natsuki Subaru', 'The Sickness Called Despair', 'The Outside of Madness', 'The Greed of a Pig', 'Disgrace in the Extreme', 'From Zero', 'Battle Against the White Whale', 'Wilhelm Van Astrea', 'A Wager That Defies Despair', 'A Flash of Sloth', 'Nefarious Sloth', 'The Self-Proclaimed Knight and the Greatest Knight' and 'That's All This Story Is About'.
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