Rems Krimptang Contour M 22

Rems Krimptang Contour M 22

Presstang M 22 - Rems T/Nirosan, Vsh, Ma-Press M.M....
fra 1 849,-
Tilgjengelig i 3 butikker
Frakt og levering
Motstandsdyktig presstang i smidd og spesialherdet spesialstål. Presskonturene fra REMS presstang er systemspesifikke og samsvarer med presskonturene for de respektive pressfittingsystemene. Dette resulterer i feilfri, systemkompatibel, sikker pressing. Pressstangen produseres på CNC maskineringssentre. Derfor langt mindre produksjonstoleranser enn med støpte presskonturer. Sporbarhet i henhold til EN 1775:2007 REMS presstang med kontur M, har en spesifikk merking satt inn, som etter pressing etterlater et permanent avtrykk direkte på den pressede beslaget. Dette gjør det mulig for brukeren å foreta en ny kontroll av om egnet presstang er brukt til pressingen. Med denne sporbarheten oppfyller REMS anbefalingene i den europeiske standarden EN 1775:2007 for installasjon av pressfittings for gass. Drift med REMS radialpresser 32 kN og egnede radialpresser av andre fabrikater med en pressekraft på 32 kN. For eksempel ROLLER, Ridgide Klauke med flere Les og følg installasjons- og monterings
Gratis frakt
Frakt og levering
Presstang M 22 - Rems T/Nirosan, Vsh, Ma-Press M.M.
Frakt og levering
REMS pressing tongs High compression pressing tongs in forged and specially hardened steel. Pressing contours of REMS pressing tongs are system-specific and correspond with the respective pressfitting system. Thus perfect system-conformity, safe press jointing. Pressing jaws of pressing tongs manufactured on CNC production centres ensure high-precision machining of pressing contour. Hence far closer tolerances compared to as cast pressing contour.Drive through all REMS radial presses (except REMS Mini-Press ACC) and suitable radial presses of other makes. Read and follow the installation and assembly instructions of the system provider/manufacturer.Traceability according to EN 1775:2007 REMS pressing tongs/pressing rings with pressing contour M, V, SA, B, RN and UP have worked a specific marking into the pressing contour which leaves a lasting impression on the pressed fitting after the pressing process. This enables the user to check again whether the most suitable pressing tongs or the suitable pressing ring have been used to make the pressfit connection even after the pressing process.With this tracability REMS fulfills the recommendations of the European standard EN 1775:2007 for the installation of pressfitting systems for gas.


REMS pressing tongs High compression pressing tongs in forged and specially hardened steel. Pressing contours of REMS pressing tongs are system-specific and correspond with the respective pressfitting system. Thus perfect system-conformity, safe press jointing. Pressing jaws of pressing tongs manufactured on CNC production centres ensure high-precision machining of pressing contour. Hence far closer tolerances compared to as cast pressing contour.Drive through all REMS radial presses (except REMS Mini-Press ACC) and suitable radial presses of other makes. Read and follow the installation and assembly instructions of the system provider/manufacturer.Traceability according to EN 1775:2007 REMS pressing tongs/pressing rings with pressing contour M, V, SA, B, RN and UP have worked a specific marking into the pressing contour which leaves a lasting impression on the pressed fitting after the pressing process. This enables the user to check again whether the most suitable pressing tongs or the suitable pressing ring have been used to make the pressfit connection even after the pressing process.With this tracability REMS fulfills the recommendations of the European standard EN 1775:2007 for the installation of pressfitting systems for gas.


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