This book is an essential guide for those who have experienced an attachment injury in an important relationship and are struggling to process their hurt and betrayal or to imagine rebuilding the trust in this precious bond.Dr. Clare Rosoman guides readers on a path towards healing and recovery, informed by attachment science and Emotionally Focused Therapy.Viewingclose relationships as attachment bonds, this book examines betrayal and how these painful events can create an “attachment injury,” which redefines the relationship bond as insecure. It offers strategies for healing relationships and restoring security in connection, and looks at many different types of attachment injuries including those that can happen in monogamous or non-monogamous relationships. As Rosoman suggests, relationships can emerge even stronger after being rocked by broken trust.This bookis a vital resourcefor therapistslookingto facilitate healing and growth in their clients in individual, couple, or family therapy, as well as for individuals seeking an encouraging self-help resource.
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