Beneath the cherry blossom trees in stunning Japan, a young woman becomes...a samurai??
Experience fast-paced action in the Sengoku period as this everyday girl slays demons and slashes her way through the chaos!
A temple in flames. Swirls of black smoke rise high into the sky.
The angry shouts of soldiers can be heard all around.
Before you stands a bearded old man... Wait, is that Nobunaga Oda?!
A young woman from the 21st century with sharp swordsmanship skills finds herself in Honnō-ji during the Sengoku period! Together with a trio of newfound ninja friends, she races through the Underworld beneath Honnō-ji, confronted by enraged corpses at every turn!
Nothing can stop this all-female powerhouse team, as the young woman turned samurai slashes up enemies while the ninja wipe them out with their fierce ninjutsu!
And when things get tough, activate the Devoted Heart technique to have samurai and ninja lock lips to enhance their abilities!
There are so many exhilarating,
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