OBS: Kun 4K-disken er bekreftet sonefri. In 1920, one brilliant movie jolted the postwar masses and catapulted the German Expressionist film movement into history. That movie was The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, a plunge into the mind of insanity that severs all ties with the rational world. Director Robert Wiene and a team of visionary designers crafted a nightmare realm in which light, shadow and substance are abstracted, a world in which a demented doctor and a carnival sleepwalker perpetrate a series of ghastly murders in a small community. This authoritative edition presents the F. W. Murnau Stiftung’s meticulous 4K restoration of the film, with a new orchestral score by Emmy®-winning composer Jeff Beal (House of Cards), which had its premiere performance at Carnegie Hall on June 3, 2024.
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