Genre auteur Rob Zombie wrote and directed this gritty and shocking horror, shot on location in Salem, Massachusetts. Produced by Jason Blum (Get Out) and starring Sheri Moon Zombie (House of 1000 Corpses) and Bruce Davison (X-Men), The Lords Of Salem was nominated for the Audience Award at the 2013 SXSW Film Festival.Radio DJ Heidi LaRoc receives a mysterious record labeled “a gift from The Lords”. But when Heidi plays it, the bizarre sounds it emanates will trigger visions of the town’s depraved past, release the darkness within her own damaged soul, and unleash the long-awaited vengeance of Satan himself.“a psychological horror treat that burrows into the brain and tickles with ideas. … This is satanic horror done right, carefully twisting the knife until the big finale without sacrificing scares along the way.” – Fangoria
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