The Time War - Series 2 Av Guy Adams, Timothy X Atack, Jonathan Morris

The Time War - Series 2 Av Guy Adams, Timothy X Atack, Jonathan Morris

A special run of prequels to Doctor Who: The War Doctor. The Eighth Doctor battles for survival in the early stages of the Time War. ....
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A special run of prequels to Doctor Who: The War Doctor. The Eighth Doctor battles for survival in the early stages of the Time War. .
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A special run of prequels to Doctor Who: The War Doctor. The Eighth Doctor battles for survival in the early stages of the Time War. The Eighth Doctor battles for survival in the early stages of the Time War: 2.1 Lords of Terror by Jonathan Morris.When the Doctor takes Bliss to her home colony, they discover that the Time War has got there first. Bliss finds her world altered beyond recognition, and the population working to serve new masters. No dissent is allowed.The Daleks are coming. The planet must be ready to fight them. 2.2 Planet of the Ogrons by Guy Adams.Avoiding the Time War, the Doctor and Bliss are found by an old acquaintance: the latest incarnation of a criminal mastermind the Doctor knows of old. But unlike her predecessors, the Twelve has a handle on her previous selves' unruly minds. There is a mystery to solve involving the Doctor's TARDIS and its unusual occupant - and answers will be found on the Planet of the Ogrons.2.3 In the Garden of Death by Guy Adams. In a prison camp like no other, the Most Dangerous Man in the Universe is held in isolation. The rest of the inmates have no memory of who they were or what they might have done.No memory even of their captors.Until the interrogations begin. 2.4 Jonah by Timothy X Atack. In the depths of an ocean world ravaged by the Time War, the weary survivors are pressed into service by Cardinal Ollistra.Something is hidden beneath the sea: the Twelve knows the truth, if only she could drag it from her jumbled mind.And when the Doctor becomes the captain of a submarine boat, all omens spell disaster. Big Finish have been producing Doctor Who audios since 1999, starring Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann, David Tennant and John Hurt. Paul McGann's eighth Doctor has the unique distinction of being in both the Classic Doctor Who series (1963-1996) and the New Series (2006 onwards).He's reprised this romantic, adventuring Doctor for Big Finish across a variety of hugely popular adventures. Joining him as Companion Bliss is Rakhee Thakrar, known to a legion of EastEnders fans as Shabnam Masood. The Time War is the legendary combat between the Time Lords and their arch enemies the Daleks, an event so huge, so terrible, that only a fragment could be realised on television.These audio adventures bring the epic scale of the conflict to life as the two races battle and the universe burns in the cross-fire. Guest star Julia McKenzie is hugely regarded for her recent appearances as Miss Marple for ITV. Here she plays The Twelve, a Time Lord villain with a dozen personalities in her head...CAST: Paul McGann (The Doctor), Rakhee Thakrar (Bliss), Nicholas Briggs (The Daleks), Jacqueline Pearce (Cardinal Ollistra), Julia McKenzie (The Twelve),Nikki Amuka-Bird (Tamasan), Amanda Root (Lendek), Rakie Ayola (Pollia / Lambda Epsilon), Guy Adams (Rendo), Simon Slater (Carvil / Shaler), Jon Culshaw (Doctor Ogron), Victor McGuire (Borton), Anya Chalotra (Ensign Murti), Tania Rodrigues (Chief Panath),Surinder Duhra (Executive Officer Omor).

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Oppdag Universet av The Time War - Series 2

Velkommen til en fabelaktig reise gjennom tid og rom med The Time War - Series 2, en fantastisk lyddrama laget av de talentfulle forfatterne Guy Adams, Timothy X Atack og Jonathan Morris. Dette er ikke bare en samling av episoder; det er et dypdykk inn i de første, nervepirrende skrittene i Tidskrigen - en konflikt som sprer frykt og ødeleggelse over hele universet.

Hva kan du forvente av dette spennende lyddramaet?

  • Kamp for overlevelse: Bli med den på hans hektiske eventyr. I den første episoden, Lords of Terror, må han og hans følgesvenn Bliss komme seg unna undertrykkende krefter og unnslippe Dalekenes grusomheter.
  • Intriger og overraskelser: Episode to, Planet of the Ogrons, bringer en velkjent skikkelse inn i bildet: Den mystiske Twelve, med hennes skjulte agendaer og flere personligheter som kompliserer Doktorens oppdrag. Hvem kan man stole på i en så turbulent tid?
  • Intens spenning: Fra de mørke omgivelsene i et isolert fengsel i In the Garden of Death til dramatiske dypdykk i havet i Jonah, lyddramaet utvikler seg fra nervepirrende til psykologisk skrekk, og gjør hvert øyeblikk uforutsigbart.

Hvorfor velge The Time War - Series 2?

Med en strålende rollebesetning, inkludert Paul McGann som Doktoren, og Rakhee Thakrar som Bliss, bringer lyddramaet liv til karakterer som både er elsket og fryktet. I tillegg har vi gjestestjerner som Julia McKenzie som gir liv til den formidable Twelve.

Dette produktet er perfekt for Doctor Who-fans, og vil utfordre din fantasi med sine intrikate plot og fantastiske skildringer av det episke oppgjøret mellom Tidslordene og Dalekene.

Ideell for alle som elsker science fiction

Uansett om du er en langvarig fan av Doctor Who eller ny til serien, vil The Time War - Series 2 gi deg en opplevelse av de sjeldne. Du vil bli sugd inn i en verden der hver beslutning kan bety forskjellen mellom liv og død. Er du klar til å ta steget inn i historien?



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