Tzouvala Ntina Capitalism As Civilisation

Tzouvala Ntina Capitalism As Civilisation

Methodologically and theoretically innovative, this monograph draws from Marxism and deconstruction bringing together the textual and the material in our understanding of international law. Approaching 'civilisation' as an argumentative pattern related to the distribution of rights and duties amongst different communities, Nt......
fra 339,-
Tilgjengelig i 2 butikker
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Methodologically and theoretically innovative, this monograph draws from Marxism and deconstruction bringing together the textual and the material in our understanding of international law. Approaching ''civilisation'' as an argumentative pattern related to the distribution of rights and duties amongst different communities, Ntina Tzouvala illustrates both its contradictory nature and its pro-capitalist bias. ''Civilisation'' is shown to oscillate between two poles. On the one hand, a pervasive ''logic of improvement'' anchors legal equality to demands that non-Western polities undertake extensive domestic reforms and embrace capitalist modernity. On the other, an insistent ''logic of biology'' constantly postpones such a prospect based on ideas of immutable difference. By detailing the tension and synergies between these two logics, Tzouvala argues that international law incorporates and attempts to mediate the contradictions of capitalism as a global system of production and exchange
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Methodologically and theoretically innovative, this monograph draws from Marxism and deconstruction bringing together the textual and the material in our understanding of international law. Approaching ''civilisation'' as an argumentative pattern related to the distribution of rights and duties amongst different communities, Ntina Tzouvala illustrates both its contradictory nature and its pro-capitalist bias. ''Civilisation'' is shown to oscillate between two poles. On the one hand, a pervasive ''logic of improvement'' anchors legal equality to demands that non-Western polities undertake extensive domestic reforms and embrace capitalist modernity. On the other, an insistent ''logic of biology'' constantly postpones such a prospect based on ideas of immutable difference. By detailing the tension and synergies between these two logics, Tzouvala argues that international law incorporates and attempts to mediate the contradictions of capitalism as a global system of production and exchange that both homogenises and stratifies societies, populations and space.


Oppdag 'Tzouvala Ntina Capitalism As Civilisation'

Er du klar for en dypdykk i teoriene som former vår verden? Tzouvala Ntina Capitalism As Civilisation tar deg med på en spennende reise gjennom dynamikken av kapitalisme og dens innflytelse på sivilisasjonen. Med en nyskapende tilnærming som kombinerer Marxisme med dekonstruering, presenterer denne monografien en grundig analyse av internasjonal rett.

En dypere forståelse av siviliseringen

Boken utfordrer de tradisjonelle forståelsene av hva 'sivilisasjon' er. Ntina Tzouvala avdekker argumentasjonsmønstrene som er knyttet til fordeling av rettigheter og plikter mellom diverse samfunn. Gjennom denne analysen demonstrerer hun den motstridende naturen av sivilisasjonens begrep og dens pro-kapitalistiske bias.

  • To logikker i spill: 'Forbedringslogikken' versus 'biologisk logikk'; de utfyller hverandre i møte med kapitalismen som et globalt system.
  • Internasjonal rett: Hvordan rettssystemer både homogeniserer og stratifierer samfunn.
  • Unik metodologi: En kombinasjon av tekstlig og materiell forståelse gir en helhetlig innsikt.

Med 'Tzouvala Ntina Capitalism As Civilisation', får du en unik mulighet til å se hvordan internasjonal rett kan mediere de motsetningene som oppstår innenfor et kapitalistisk samfunn.

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