One of the hallmarks of Marvel''s gritty 90s era begins as the young group of heroes known as the New Mutants train themselves into the iconic strike team known as X-Force! Beset from all sides by a growing roster of vicious foes, the New Mutants and their mysterious mentor Cable have no choice but to transform into a proactive, butt-kicking, take-no-prisoners mutant strike team! But can their new X-Force survive head-on clashes with Deadpool, the Morlocks, Proteus, Stryfe and his Mutant Liberation Front, the Juggernaut, the new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, and... S.H.I.E.L.D.? And what secrets are Cable and Domino hiding? It''s high-stakes adventure with all-out action, in-your-face attitude and enormous guns! Nineties'' nostalgia at its finest - guest-starring Spider-Man, the New Warriors, X-Factor and more! Collectin New Mutants (1983) 98-100, New Mutants Annual (1984) 7, X-Men Annual (1970) 15, X-Factor Annual (1986) 6, X-Force (1991) 1-15, Spider-Man (1990) 16, Cable: Blood and Metal (1992) 1-2; material from New Warriors Annual (1991) 1, X-Force Annual (1992) 1
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