Ecology Av Michael Begon, Colin R. Townsend

Ecology Av Michael Begon, Colin R. Townsend

A definitive guide to the depth and breadth of the ecological sciences, revised and updatedThe revised and updated fifth edition of Ecology: From Individuals to Ecosystems ¿ now in full colour ¿ offers students and practitioners a review of the ecological scien......
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<p><b>A definitive guide to the depth and breadth of the ecological sciences, revised and updated</b></p><p>The revised and updated fifth edition of <i>Ecology: From Individuals to Ecosystems</i> ¿ now in full colour ¿ offers students and practitioners a review of the ecological sciences. </p><p>The previous editions of this book earned the authors the prestigious ¿Exceptional Life-time Achievement Award¿ of the British Ecological Society ¿ the aim for the fifth edition is not only to maintain standards but indeed to enhance its coverage of Ecology.</p><p>In the first edition, 34 years ago, it seemed acceptable for ecologists to hold a comfortable, objective, not to say aloof position, from which the ecological communities around us were simply material for which we sought a scientific understanding. Now, we must accept the immediacy of the many environmental problems that threaten us and the responsibility of ecologists to play their full part in addressing these problems. This fifth
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A definitive guide to the depth and breadth of the ecological sciences, revised and updated The revised and updated fifth edition of Ecology: From Individuals to Ecosystems – now in full colour – offers students and practitioners a review of the ecological sciences. The previous editions of this book earned the authors the prestigious ‘Exceptional Life-time Achievement Award’ of the British Ecological Society – the aim for the fifth edition is not only to maintain standards but indeed to enhance its coverage of Ecology. In the first edition, 34 years ago, it seemed acceptable for ecologists to hold a comfortable, objective, not to say aloof position, from which the ecological communities around us were simply material for which we sought a scientific understanding. Now, we must accept the immediacy of the many environmental problems that threaten us and the responsibility of ecologists to play their full part in addressing these problems. This fifth edition addresses this challenge, with several chapters devoted entirely to applied topics, and examples of how ecological principles have been applied to problems facing us highlighted throughout the remaining nineteen chapters. Nonetheless, the authors remain wedded to the belief that environmental action can only ever be as sound as the ecological principles on which it is based. Hence, while trying harder than ever to help improve preparedness for addressing the environmental problems of the years ahead, the book remains, in its essence, an exposition of the science of ecology. This new edition incorporates the results from more than a thousand recent studies into a fully up-to-date text. Written for students of ecology, researchers and practitioners, the fifth edition of Ecology: From Individuals to Ecosystems is anessential reference to all aspects of ecology and addresses environmental problems of the future.


Utforsk Økologi med 'Ecology' av Michael Begon og Colin R. Townsend

Gå dypere inn i den fascinerende verden av økologi med Ecology av Michael Begon, Colin R. Townsend. Denne oppdaterte og reviderte femte utgaven er en uunnværlig ressurs for både studenter og praktikanter innen økologiske vitenskaper. Med en omfattende dekning av emnet og respons på aktuelle miljøutfordringer, gir boken deg en moderne tilnærming til økologi.

En Omfattende Guide til Økologiske Vitenskaper

  • Fargeillustrasjoner: Opplev boken i fullfarge som gjør læringen både engasjerende og visuelt tiltalende.
  • Oppdatert Innhold: Inkluderer forskningsresultater fra over 1000 nylige studier, som sikrer at du får den nyeste informasjonen.
  • Praktiske Eksempler: Flere kapitler fokuserer på anvendte emner, og belyser hvordan økologiske prinsipper kan brukes i møte med dagens miljøproblem.
  • For Alle Nivåer: Enten du er student, forsker eller praktiker, gir dette verket verdifull innsikt og forståelse.

Siden den første utgaven ble utgitt for over 30 år siden, har Ecology av Begon og Townsend vært anerkjent for sin klarsynte tilnærming til økologiske spørsmål og vitenskap. I dagens samfunn er det viktigere enn noensinne å forstå de økologiske prinsippene som ligger til grunn for miljøhandling, og denne boken gir deg verktøyene for å navigere i disse komplekse temaene.

Hvorfor Velge 'Ecology'?

Med en kombinasjon av grundig forskning, pedagogisk tilnærming og relevant anvendelse av teorier i praksis, er Ecology av Michael Begon, Colin R. Townsend det perfekte valget for alle som ønsker å fordybe seg i økologiske studier. Du vil ikke bare lære konsepter, men også forstå hvordan du kan implementere disse prinsippene for å møte fremtidige miljøutfordringer.

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