Walk Through Combinatorics, A: An Introduction To Enumeration And Graph Theory (Fourth Edition) Av Miklos (Univ Of Florida Usa) Bona

Walk Through Combinatorics, A: An Introduction To Enumeration And Graph Theory (Fourth Edition) Av Miklos (Univ Of Florida Usa) Bona

This is a textbook for an introductory combinatorics course lasting one or two semesters. An extensive list of problems, ranging from routine exercises to research questions, is included. In each section, there are also exercises that contain material not explicitly discussed in the preceding text, so as to provide instructor......
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This is a textbook for an introductory combinatorics course lasting one or two semesters. An extensive list of problems, ranging from routine exercises to research questions, is included. In each section, there are also exercises that contain material not explicitly discussed in the preceding text, so as to provide instructors with extra choices if they want to shift the emphasis of their course.Just as with the first three editions, the new edition walks the reader through the classic parts of combinatorial enumeration and graph theory, while also discussing some recent progress in the area: on the one hand, providing material that will help students learn the basic techniques, and on the other hand, showing that some questions at the forefront of research are comprehensible and accessible to the talented and hardworking undergraduate. The basic topics discussed are: the twelvefold way, cycles in permutations, the formula of inclusion and exclusion, the notion of graphs and trees, mat
Frakt og levering
This is a textbook for an introductory combinatorics course lasting one or two semesters. An extensive list of problems, ranging from routine exercises to research questions, is included. In each section, there are also exercises that contain material not explicitly discussed in the preceding text, so as to provide instructors with extra choices if they want to shift the emphasis of their course.Just as with the first three editions, the new edition walks the reader through the classic parts of combinatorial enumeration and graph theory, while also discussing some recent progress in the area: on the one hand, providing material that will help students learn the basic techniques, and on the other hand, showing that some questions at the forefront of research are comprehensible and accessible to the talented and hardworking undergraduate. The basic topics discussed are: the twelvefold way, cycles in permutations, the formula of inclusion and exclusion, the notion of graphs and trees, matchings, Eulerian and Hamiltonian cycles, and planar graphs.New to this edition are the Quick Check exercises at the end of each section. In all, the new edition contains about 240 new exercises. Extra examples were added to some sections where readers asked for them.The selected advanced topics are: Ramsey theory, pattern avoidance, the probabilistic method, partially ordered sets, the theory of designs, enumeration under group action, generating functions of labeled and unlabeled structures and algorithms and complexity.The book encourages students to learn more combinatorics, provides them with a not only useful but also enjoyable and engaging reading.The Solution Manual is available upon request for all instructors who adopt this book as a course text. Please send your request to [email protected] previous edition of this textbook has been adopted at various schools including UCLA, MIT, University of Michigan, and Swarthmore College. It was also translated into Korean.


Introduksjon til Walk Through Combinatorics, A

Oppdag de intrikate verdenene av kombinatorikk og grafteori med den nyeste utgaven av Walk Through Combinatorics, A: An Introduction To Enumeration And Graph Theory (Fourth Edition), skrevet av Miklos Bona fra University of Florida. Denne boken er laget for å guide både nykommere og mer erfarne studenter gjennom viktige begreper og teknikker innen feltet, med fokus på en underholdende og engasjerende læringsopplevelse.

Hva du kan forvente av boken

  • Innholdsrik læring: Dette læremidlet er perfekt for et innføringskurs i kombinatorikk som strekker seg over ett eller to semestre, med omfattende problemsett som dekker alt fra enkle øvelser til forskningsemner.
  • Nye øvelser: Den fjerde utgaven har introdusert rundt 240 nye oppgaver og Quick Check-øvelser i slutten av hver seksjon, som gir ekstra støtte til studenter.
  • Avanserte emner: Boken dekker også avanserte temaer som Ramsey-teori, mønsterunngåelse og den probabilistiske metoden – tilpasset både undergraduate-studenter og de som er mer erfarne.

Utdypende innhold

Med en smakfull blanding av klassiske emner som twelvefold way, sykluser i permutasjoner, samt grafbegreper som Eulerian og Hamiltonian sykluser, gir Walk Through Combinatorics både et solid grunnlag og en glimt av den nyeste forskningen. Det er virkelig en skatt for alle som ønsker å dykke dypere inn i kombinatorikkens fascinerende verden.

Kundeanmeldelser og utbredelse

Boken har blitt adoptert på prestisjetunge institusjoner som UCLA, MIT og University of Michigan. Tidligere utgaver har endog blitt oversatt til flere språk, inkludert koreansk, noe som underbygger dens internasjonale appell og relevans.

Få tilgang til løsningssammenstillinger

For lærere som velger Walk Through Combinatorics som pensum, er det mulig å bestille en løsninghåndbok. Bare send din forespørsel til [email protected].

Oppdag gleden ved å lære kombinatorikk med denne unike boken – en investering i din faglige utvikling!


ProduktnavnBona Miklos Walk Through Combinatorics A: An Introduction To Enumeration And Graph Theory
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