The Black Book Of Quantum Chromodynamics -- A Primer For The Lhc Era Av John (Senior Scientist Senior Scientist Senior Scientist Fermi National Accele

The Black Book Of Quantum Chromodynamics -- A Primer For The Lhc Era Av John (Senior Scientist Senior Scientist Senior Scientist Fermi National Accele

The Black Book of Quantum Chromodynamics is an in-depth introduction to the particle physics of current and future experiments at particle accelerators. The book offers the reader an overview of practically all aspects of the strong interaction necessary to understand and appreciate modern particle phenomenology at the energy......
fra 559,-
Tilgjengelig i 2 butikker
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The Black Book of Quantum Chromodynamics is an in-depth introduction to the particle physics of current and future experiments at particle accelerators. The book offers the reader an overview of practically all aspects of the strong interaction necessary to understand and appreciate modern particle phenomenology at the energy frontier. It assumes a working knowledge of quantum field theory at the level of introductory textbooks used for advanced undergraduate or in standard postgraduate lectures. The book expands this knowledge with an intuitive understanding of relevant physical concepts, an introduction to modern techniques, and their application to the phenomenology of the strong interaction at the highest energies. Aimed at graduate students and researchers, it also serves as a comprehensive reference for LHC experimenters and theorists.This book offers an exhaustive presentation of the technologies developed and used by practitioners in the field of fixed-order perturbation theory
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The Black Book of Quantum Chromodynamics is an in-depth introduction to the particle physics of current and future experiments at particle accelerators. The book offers the reader an overview of practically all aspects of the strong interaction necessary to understand and appreciate modern particle phenomenology at the energy frontier. It assumes a working knowledge of quantum field theory at the level of introductory textbooks used for advanced undergraduate or in standard postgraduate lectures. The book expands this knowledge with an intuitive understanding of relevant physical concepts, an introduction to modern techniques, and their application to the phenomenology of the strong interaction at the highest energies. Aimed at graduate students and researchers, it also serves as a comprehensive reference for LHC experimenters and theorists.This book offers an exhaustive presentation of the technologies developed and used by practitioners in the field of fixed-order perturbation theory and an overview of results relevant for the ongoing research programme at the LHC. It includes an in-depth description of various analytic resummation techniques (which form the basis for our understanding of the QCD radiation pattern and how strong production processes manifest themselves in data) and a concise discussion of numerical resummation through parton showers. This forms the basis of event generators for the simulation of LHC physics, and their matching and merging with fixed-order matrix elements. It also gives a detailed presentation of the physics behind the parton distribution functions (which are a necessary ingredient for every calculation relevant for physics at hadron colliders such as the LHC) and an introduction to non-perturbative aspects of the strong interaction, including inclusive observables such as total and elastic cross sections, and non-trivial effects such as multiple parton interactions and hadronization. The book concludes with a useful overview contextualising data from previous experiments such as the Tevatron and the Run I of the LHC which have shaped our understanding of QCD at hadron colliders.


Utforsk Partikkelfysikk med The Black Book Of Quantum Chromodynamics

Er du interessert i å dykke dypt ned i partikkelfysikk og forstå de grunnleggende kreftene som driver universet? Da er The Black Book Of Quantum Chromodynamics av John (Senior Scientist Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) det perfekte valget for deg! Denne omfattende guiden gir deg en solid innføring i kvantekromodynamikk, spesielt tilpasset behovene til studenter og forskere i LHC-epoken.

En Dypdykk i Sterk Interaksjon

Boken gir en grundig oversikt over de viktigste aspektene ved sterk interaksjon, noe som er avgjørende for å forstå moderne partikkelfenomenologi. Her er noen av de mest bemerkelsesverdige funksjonene:

  • Intuitiv Forståelse: Utvikle en grunnleggende forståelse av relevante fysiske konsepter og teknikker.
  • Analytiske Resummeringsteknikker: Dykk ned i metoder som er viktige for å forstå QCD-strålemønstre.
  • Nummertisk Resummering: Få innsikt i modellering og simulering av LHC-fysikk.
  • Partonfordelingsfunksjoner: En nødvendig komponent for beregningene i hadron-kollidere.
  • Detaljert Presentasjon: Få en oversikt over data fra tidligere eksperimenter, inkludert Tevatron.

Den Perfekte Referansen for LHC-Forskere

Enten du er en gradsstudent eller en erfaren forsker, fungerer The Black Book Of Quantum Chromodynamics som en uvurderlig referanse for alle som arbeider med LHC og relaterte eksperimenter. Designet for å gjøre komplekse konsepter tilgjengelige, vil denne boken hjelpe deg med å navigere gjennom det moderne landskapet innen partikkelfysikk.

Så hvorfor vente? Berik din kunnskap og forståelse av universets mest grunnleggende lover med denne uunnværlige ressursen. Få tak i The Black Book Of Quantum Chromodynamics i dag og bli en del av den spennende reisen inn i de subatomære sfærer!


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