Doctor's Best Digestive Enzymes 10 Caps

Doctor's Best Digestive Enzymes 10 Caps

What is Doctors Best Digestive Enzymes? Doctors Best Digestive Enzymes is a full-spectrum high potency digestive enzyme blend created to complement and support the bodys own digestive capacities. Each capsule provides the body with enzymes designed to optimally aid the digestion of fats, proteins and carbohydrates present......
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Doctor's Best Digestive Enzymes 10 Caps
Doctor's Best Digestive Enzymes 10 Caps
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What is Doctor’s Best Digestive Enzymes? Doctor’s Best Digestive Enzymes is a full-spectrum high potency digestive enzyme blend created to complement and support the body’s own digestive capacities. Each capsule provides the body with enzymes designed to optimally aid the digestion of fats, proteins and carbohydrates present in cooked and raw food.* The formula provides the support of alpha- galactosidase and beta-glucanase to break down vegetables, beans and grains, and enzymes such as glucoamylase and invertase to assist with the digestion of carbohydrates.* In addition, this complete formula contains beneficial bacteria to uniquely promote optimal intestinal health. How does it work? Digestive enzymes are produced by the pancreas and secreted into the duodenum (upper small intestine) where proteins, carbohydrates, and fats are broken down prior to absorption. The body's capacity to produce enzymes may decline with age. Moreover, stress and other unhealthy lifestyle factors may impact enzyme production. Supplementation with the enzymes in Best Digestive Enzymes supports replenishment of the body's enzyme levels, promoting healthy digestion and delivery of vital nutrients to the body. Maintenance of healthy digestion not only helps with occasional gastrointestinal discomfort, but also supports the very integrity of the intestinal mucosa. Additionally, enzymes may enhance healthy bacterial balance in the bowel by lessening the accumulation of undigested foods in the large intestine. Why should I take Doctor’s Best Digestive Enzymes? Doctor’s Best Digestive Enzymes offers a complete set of enzymes to support your body’s digestion of carbohydrates, fiber, protein and fats. This is a comprehensive set of enzymes that include: Support for Carbohydrate and Fiber Digestion • Alpha-galactosidase – An enzyme that facilitates the breakdown of carbohydrates such as raffinose and stachyose. This enzyme is especially helpful in supporting the digestion of raw vegetables and beans. • Amylase – This enzyme functions to break down carbohydrates such as starch and glycogen, a storage form of glucose. • Beta-glucanase – An important enzyme that facilitates the digestion of beta-linked glucose bonds associated with whole grains such as barley, oats and wheat. • Cellulase – This enzyme helps free the nutrients found in both fruits and vegetables by breaking down cellulose, a plant fiber. • Glucoamylase – This enzyme complements the function of hemicellulase by breaking down polysaccharides from plants. • Hemicellulase – This enzyme assists in the breakdown of carbohydrates and is most useful for enhancing the efficiency of polysaccharide digestion from plant foods. • Invertase – This enzyme facilitates the breakdown of carbohydrates and is especially effective at helping to digest sucrose, common table sugar. • Lactase – This enzyme is necessary for the proper utilization and digestion of lactose, the predominant sugar found in milk and other dairy products. • Phytase – This enzyme breaks down plant carbohydrates and is especially helpful at breaking down phytic acid found in leafy vegetables. Because this enzyme breaks down phytic acid, it frees the minerals in plants and aids in their absorption. • Xylanase – This enzyme is a sub-type of hemicellulase and functions to break down soluble fiber from food sources. Support for Protein Digestion • Bromelain - An enzyme that is derived from pineapple, this nutrient also facilitates the digestion of proteins. Bromelain has also been associated with a wide range of diverse health benefits of its own. • Papain – This enzyme is derived from papaya and serves to enhance the digestion of proteins, facilitating nutrient absorption. • Protease – This enzyme supports the digestion of protein, breaking them into absorbable units of amino acids, the building blocks for the body’s regenerative purposes. Support for Fat Digestion • Lipase – The main enzyme that functions to break down lipids and improve fat utilization. In this capacity, it supports the function of the gall bladder. Beneficial Micro-Organisms Bacillus subtilis – Supplementing with this important probiotic organism promotes a healthy bacterial balance in the intestines. Probiotic organisms have been researched for their ability to support healthy immune function, efficient digestion and the general health and well-being of the digestive tract. Doctor’s Best Digestive Enzymes is a full-spectrum high potency digestive enzyme blend created to complement and support the body’s own digestive capacities.* Each capsule provides the body with enzymes designed to optimally aid the digestion of fats, proteins and carbohydrates present in cooked and raw food.* The formula provides the support of alpha- galactosidase and beta-glucanase to break down vegetables, beans and grains, and enzymes such as glucoamylase and invertase to assist with the digestion of carbohydr


Hva er Doctor's Best Digestive Enzymes 10 Caps?

Doctor's Best Digestive Enzymes 10 Caps er et kraftig tilskudd av fordøyelsesenzymer, nøye utviklet for å støtte kroppens naturlige fordøyelsesprosesser. Hver kapsel inneholder en unik blanding av enzymer som effektivt bidrar til å bryte ned fett, proteiner og karbohydrater fra både kokt og rå mat, noe som gjør måltidene lettere å fordøye.

Fordeler med Doctor's Best Digestive Enzymes

Med alderen kan kroppens naturlige produksjon av enzymer avta. Stress og et usunt kosthold kan også påvirke enzymproduksjonen negativt. Doctor's Best Digestive Enzymes tilbyr en omfattende formel som gjenoppretter enzymnivåene i kroppen og fremmer sunn fordøyelse.

  • Støtte for karbohydrat- og fiberfordøyelse: Inneholder enzymer som amylase og alpha-galactosidase, som hjelper til med å bryte ned komplekse karbohydrater i grønnsaker og belgfrukter。
  • Støtte for proteinfordøyelse: Med enzymer som bromelain og papain, bidrar disse til en effektiv nedbrytning av proteiner, noe som gir bedre næringsopptak.
  • Støtte for fettfordøyelse: Lipase er essensiell for nedbrytning av lipider og forbedrer hvordan kroppen håndterer fett.

Hvordan fungerer Doctor's Best Digestive Enzymes?

Enzymene fra Doctor's Best blir utskilt av bukspyttkjertelen og frigjøres i tynntarmen, hvor de spiller en avgjørende rolle i nedbrytingen før næringsstoffene tas opp i kroppen. Med 10 kapsler i hver pakke, er det enkelt å legge dette til din daglige rutine.

Hvem bør bruke Doctor's Best Digestive Enzymes?

Enten du er en matglad person, trener ofte, eller rett og slett ønsker å forbedre din generelle fordøyelse, kan Doctor's Best Digestive Enzymes være det perfekte tilskuddet for deg. Det er spesielt nytte for de som opplever sporadisk gastrointestinal ubehag eller ønsker å optimalisere sin tarmhelse.

Opplev forskjellen i fordøyelsen din med Doctor's Best Digestive Enzymes 10 Caps – din venn for en enkel og effektiv fordøyelse!


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