Effective Data Storytelling Av Brent Dykes

Effective Data Storytelling Av Brent Dykes

Master the art and science of data storytelling¿with frameworks and techniques to help you craft compelling stories with data.The ability to effectively communicate with data is no longer a luxury in today¿s economy; it is a necessity. Transforming data into visual communication......
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Tilgjengelig i 2 butikker
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<p><b>Master the art and science of data storytelling¿with frameworks and techniques to help you craft compelling stories with data.</b></p><p>The ability to effectively communicate with data is no longer a luxury in today¿s economy; it is a necessity. Transforming data into visual communication is only one part of the picture. It is equally important to engage your audience with a narrative¿to tell a story with the numbers. <i>Effective Data Storytelling </i>will teach you the essential skills necessary to communicate your insights through persuasive and memorable data stories.</p><p>Narratives are more powerful than raw statistics, more enduring than pretty charts. When done correctly, data stories can influence decisions and drive change. Most other books focus only on data visualization while neglecting the powerful narrative and psychological aspects of telling stories with data. Author Brent Dykes shows you how to take the three central elements of data storytelling¿data, narrati
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Master the art and science of data storytelling-with frameworks and techniques to help you craft compelling stories with data. The ability to effectively communicate with data is no longer a luxury in today's economy; it is a necessity. Transforming data into visual communication is only one part of the picture.It is equally important to engage your audience with a narrative-to tell a story with the numbers. Effective Data Storytelling will teach you the essential skills necessary to communicate your insights through persuasive and memorable data stories. Narratives are more powerful than raw statistics, more enduring than pretty charts.When done correctly, data stories can influence decisions and drive change. Most other books focus only on data visualization while neglecting the powerful narrative and psychological aspects of telling stories with data. Author Brent Dykes shows you how to take the three central elements of data storytelling-data, narrative, and visuals-and combine them for maximum effectiveness.Taking a comprehensive look at all the elements of data storytelling, this unique book will enable you to: Transform your insights and data visualizations into appealing, impactful data storiesLearn the fundamental elements of a data story and key audience driversUnderstand the differences between how the brain processes facts and narrativeStructure your findings as a data narrative, using a four-step storyboarding processIncorporate the seven essential principles of better visual storytelling into your workAvoid common data storytelling mistakes by learning from historical and modern examples Effective Data Storytellin How to Drive Change with Data, Narrative and Visuals is a must-have resource for anyone who communicates regularly with data, including business professionals, analysts, marketers, salespeople, financial managers, and educators.


Oppdag Effective Data Storytelling Av Brent Dykes

Er du klar for å mestre kunsten å formidle data? Effective Data Storytelling Av Brent Dykes er ikke bare en bok; det er din guide til å forvandle tørre data til fengende historier som kan påvirke beslutninger og drive endringer. Dette verket gir deg de nødvendige verktøyene og teknikkene for å skape overbevisende narrativer der tallene beligner seg med teksten.

Nøkkelfunksjoner i boken

  • Tre nøkkelkomponenter: Lær å kombinere data, narrativ og visualiseringer for maksimalt gjennomslag.
  • Strukturering av historier: Forstå den fire-trinns storyboard-prosessen for å presentere funnene dine som en engasjerende datahistorie.
  • Narrativ kontra fakta: Få innsikt i hvordan hjernen prosesserer informasjon forskjellig fra narrativer.
  • Visualisert fortelling: Inklsuder de syv grunnleggende prinsippene for bedre visuell storytelling i arbeidet ditt.
  • Unngå vanlige feil: Lær av både historiske og moderne eksempler for å unngå de vanligste feilene innen data storytelling.

Hvem bør lese denne boken?

Enten du er en forretningsprofesjonell, analytiker, markedsfører, eller pedagog, vil Effective Data Storytelling ruste deg med de essensielle ferdighetene for å kommunisere innsiktene dine på en overbevisende og minneverdig måte. Denne boken er en uunngåelig ressurs for alle som regelmessig jobber med data.

Få mest mulig ut av dataene dine

Å kunne gjøre dataene dine til en gripende fortelling er ikke lenger en luksus; det er en nødvendighet i dagens samfunn. Med Effective Data Storytelling Av Brent Dykes, er målet klart: å lære å engasjere leserne dine på en måte som gjør tall levende og forståelig.

Ikke la tallene stå alene på arket; ta steget til å bli en mester i data storytelling i dag!


ProduktnavnDykes B Effective Data Storytelling – How to Drive Change with Data Narrative and Visuals
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