Principles Of Virology, Multi-Volume Av Jane (Princeton University) Flint, Vincent R. (Columbia University) Racaniello, Glenn F. (Fox Chase Cancer Cen

Principles Of Virology, Multi-Volume Av Jane (Princeton University) Flint, Vincent R. (Columbia University) Racaniello, Glenn F. (Fox Chase Cancer Cen

Principles of Virology, the leading virology textbook in use, is an extremely valuable and highly informative presentation of virology at the interface of modern cell biology and immunology. This text utilizes a uniquely rational approach by highlighting common principles and processes across all viruses. U......
fra 1 789,-
Tilgjengelig i 2 butikker
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<i>Principles of Virology</i>, the leading virology textbook in use, is an extremely valuable and highly informative presentation of virology at the interface of modern cell biology and immunology. This text utilizes a uniquely rational approach by highlighting common principles and processes across all viruses. Using a set of representative viruses to illustrate the breadth of viral complexity, students are able to understand viral reproduction and pathogenesis and are equipped with the necessary tools for future encounters with new or understudied viruses.<br/><br/>This fifth edition was updated to keep pace with the ever-changing field of virology. In addition to the beloved full-color illustrations, video interviews with leading scientists, movies, and links to exciting blogposts on relevant topics, this edition includes study questions and active learning puzzles in each chapter, as well as short descriptions regarding the key messages of references of special interest. <br/><b
Frakt og levering
Principles of Virology, the leading virology textbook in use, is an extremely valuable and highly informative presentation of virology at the interface of modern cell biology and immunology. This text utilizes a uniquely rational approach by highlighting common principles and processes across all viruses. Using a set of representative viruses to illustrate the breadth of viral complexity, students are able to understand viral reproduction and pathogenesis and are equipped with the necessary tools for future encounters with new or understudied viruses.This fifth edition was updated to keep pace with the ever-changing field of virology. In addition to the beloved full-color illustrations, video interviews with leading scientists, movies, and links to exciting blogposts on relevant topics, this edition includes study questions and active learning puzzles in each chapter, as well as short descriptions regarding the key messages of references of special interest.Volume I: Molecular Biologyfocuses on the molecular processes of viral reproduction, from entry through release.Volume II: Pathogenesis and Controladdresses the interplay between viruses and their host organisms, on both the micro- and macroscale, including chapters on public health, the immune response, vaccines and other antiviral strategies, viral evolution, and a brand new chapter on the therapeutic uses of viruses. These two volumes can be used for separate courses or together in a single course. Each includes a unique appendix, glossary, and links to internet resources.Principles of Virology, Fifth Edition, is ideal for teaching the strategies by which all viruses reproduce, spread within a host, and are maintained within populations. This edition carefully reflects the results of extensive vetting and feedback received from course instructors and students, making this renowned textbook even more appropriate for undergraduate and graduate courses in virology, microbiology, and infectious diseases.


Oppdag Principles Of Virology, Multi-Volume av Flint, Racaniello og Vincent

Er du klar til å dykke ned i den fascinerende verden av virologi? Med Principles Of Virology, Multi-Volume får du en dyptgående og informativ utforskning av virologi, der boken kombinerer moderne cellebiologi med immunologi. Denne boken er din perfekte følgesvenn for å forstå de komplekse mekanismene bak virus - fra reproduksjon til patogenese.

Innhold og Struktur i Multi-Volume-verket

Verket er delt opp i to hovedvolumer:

  • Volum I: Molekylærbiologi - Dette volumet fokuserer på de molekylære prosessene ved virusreproduksjon, fra virusets inntreden til frigjøring.
  • Volum II: Patogenese og Kontroll - Her får du innsikt i samspillet mellom virus og vertene deres, samt temaer som folkehelse, vaksiner og antivirale strategier.

Hver del kan brukes uavhengig eller sammen, noe som gir deg muligheten til å velge det som passer best for ditt studium.

Spennende Funksjoner i Principles Of Virology

Den femte utgaven av dette anerkjente verket er oppdatert for å være i takt med feltets raske utvikling. Dette inkluderer:

  • Panel med fargeillustrasjoner som gir klarhet til komplekse konsepter.
  • Video-intervjuer med ledende forskere som gir praksisnær innsikt.
  • Interaktive studie spørsmål og læringspuzzler i hvert kapittel.
  • Lenker til relevante blogginnlegg og ressurser for videre fordypning.

Tilgjengelighet og Målgruppe

Den er ideell for både undergraduate og graduate studier i virologi, mikrobiologi og infeksjonssykdommer. Det passer utmerket for studenter og fagfolk som ønsker en solid forståelse av virus og deres dynamikk.

Velg Principles Of Virology, Multi-Volume for en grundig, moderne og visuelt engasjerende tilnærming til virologi som vil berike din kunnskapsbase og forberede deg på fremtidige utfordringer innen dette spennende fagfeltet.


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