Gullan P The Insects – An Outline of Entomology

Gullan P The Insects – An Outline of Entomology

Insects represent over half of the planet¿s biological diversity. This popular textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to this extraordinary diversity, and places entomology central to the theory and practice of evolutionary and ecological studies.Fully revised, this fifth edition opens with......
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<p>Insects represent over half of the planet¿s biological diversity. This popular textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to this extraordinary diversity, and places entomology central to the theory and practice of evolutionary and ecological studies.</p><p>Fully revised, this fifth edition opens with a chapter concerning the popular side of insect studies, including insects in citizen science, zoos and butterfly houses, and insects as food for humans and animals. Key features of insect<br/> structure, function, behaviour, ecology and classification are integrated with appropriate molecular studies. Much of the book is organized around major biological themes: living on the ground, in water, on plants, in colonies, and as predators, parasites/parasitoids and prey insects. A strong evolutionary theme is maintained throughout.</p><p>There is major revision to the chapter on systematics and a new chapter, Insects in a Changing World, includes insect responses to, and the consequen
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Insects represent over half of the planet’s biological diversity. This popular textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to this extraordinary diversity, and places entomology central to the theory and practice of evolutionary and ecological studies. Fully revised, this fifth edition opens with a chapter concerning the popular side of insect studies, including insects in citizen science, zoos and butterfly houses, and insects as food for humans and animals. Key features of insect structure, function, behaviour, ecology and classification are integrated with appropriate molecular studies. Much of the book is organized around major biological themes: living on the ground, in water, on plants, in colonies, and as predators, parasites/parasitoids and prey insects. A strong evolutionary theme is maintained throughout. There is major revision to the chapter on systematics and a new chapter, Insects in a Changing World, includes insect responses to, and the consequences of, both climate change and human-assisted global alterations to distributions. Updated ‘Taxoboxes’ demonstrate topical issues and provide concise information on all aspects of each of the 28 major groupings (orders) of insects, plus the three orders of non-insect hexapods. New boxes describe a worrying increase in insect threats to landscape and commercial trees (including eucalypts, palms and coffee) and explain the value of genetic data, including evolutionary developmental biology and DNA barcoding, in insect biodiversity studies. The authors maintain the clarity and conciseness of earlier editions, and extend the profuse illustrations with new hand-drawn figures. Over 50 colour photographs, together with the informative text and an accompanying website with links to video clips, appendices, textboxes and further reading lists, encourage a deeper scientific study of insects. The book is intended as the principal text for students studying entomology, as well as a reference text for undergraduate and graduate courses in the fields of ecology, agriculture, fisheries and forestry, palaeontology, zoology, and medical and veterinary science.


Oppdag den Fascinerende Verdenen med Gullan P The Insects – An Outline of Entomology

Gullan P The Insects – An Outline of Entomology er ikke bare en lærebok; den er en dykker ned i den utrolige biologiske mangfoldigheten som insekter representerer – en verden som omfatter mer enn 50% av planetens biologiske variasjon! Denne femte utgaven av boken er grundig revidert og tilpasset moderne forskning, og gir en helhetlig introduksjon til entomologiens fascinerende univers.

Hva Kan Du Forvente fra Gullan P The Insects?

  • Omfattende Innhold: Boken dekker sentrale temaer som insektenes struktur, funksjon, adferd og økologi, med integrerte molekylære studier.
  • Oppdatert Forskning: Nye kapitler som Insects in a Changing World drøfter insektenes tilpasninger til klimaendringer og menneskelig påvirkning.
  • Visuelle Elementer: Mer enn 50 fargefotografier og håndtegnede illustrasjoner beriker læringsopplevelsen.
  • Interaktiv Læring: Tilgangen til en tilhørende nettside med videoer, appendikser, og ytterligere leselister gir en utvidet læringsopplevelse.
  • Bred Anvendelse: Denne boken er perfekt for både studenter som studerer entomologi og som en viktig referanse for fagområder innen økologi, landbruk, og zoologi.

Hvorfor Velge Gullan P The Insects?

Entomologi er mer enn bare studiet av insekter; det er en nøkkel til å forstå komplekse økologiske sammenhenger og evolusjonære prosesser. Med Gullan P The Insects får du ikke bare et omfattende læremiddel, du får også en portal til å utforske hvordan insekter påvirker vår verden. Enten du er en student, en forsker eller bare har en interesse for naturen, vil denne boken gi deg verktøyene du trenger for å utvikle din forståelse av biologisk mangfold og vitenskapelig studie.

Klar til å dykke dypere inn i insektverdenen? Gullan P The Insects – An Outline of Entomology venter på å åpne dørene til en ny dimensjon av vitenskapelig utforskning!


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