Introduction To Health Research Methods Av Kathryn H. Jacobsen

Introduction To Health Research Methods Av Kathryn H. Jacobsen

Designed to empower new investigators to conduct their own original research projects, the third edition of Introduction to Health Research Methods: A Practical Guide leads the reader step-by-step in performing quantitative and qualitative research in medicine, public health, and other clinical and population health fields. T......
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Designed to empower new investigators to conduct their own original research projects, the third edition of Introduction to Health Research Methods: A Practical Guide leads the reader step-by-step in performing quantitative and qualitative research in medicine, public health, and other clinical and population health fields. Organized in five sections, the text covers the entire research process from formulating a study question and selecting a study approach to collecting and analyzing data and then disseminating the findings. Chapters about methods for primary studies (collecting new data), secondary analyses (analyzing existing data), and tertiary studies (conducting literature reviews and meta-analyses) provide comprehensive coverage of the scope of health research. By breaking the research process down into a series of achievable steps, Introduction to Health Research Methods shows students and early career scholars how they can contribute to improving the health of individuals and
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Designed to empower new investigators to conduct their own original research projects, the third edition of Introduction to Health Research Methods: A Practical Guide leads the reader step-by-step in performing quantitative and qualitative research in medicine, public health, and other clinical and population health fields. Organized in five sections, the text covers the entire research process from formulating a study question and selecting a study approach to collecting and analyzing data and then disseminating the findings. Chapters about methods for primary studies (collecting new data), secondary analyses (analyzing existing data), and tertiary studies (conducting literature reviews and meta-analyses) provide comprehensive coverage of the scope of health research. By breaking the research process down into a series of achievable steps, Introduction to Health Research Methods shows students and early career scholars how they can contribute to improving the health of individuals and communities through research.The Third Edition has been significantly updated to include:- Expanded coverage of qualitative research methods, including new chapters on qualitative study design, data collection, and data analysis.- Additional glossary terms that clarify key terminology for all stages of the research process and a diversity of study approaches.- Enhanced explanations of how to select and implement quantitative and qualitative research and analysis methodologies. - New and updated coverage of topics such as framing research questions, developing testable hypotheses, defining specific aims, responsibly conducting research, selecting study designs, minimizing bias, applying theoretical paradigms, ensuring rigor and reproducibility, conducting quality assessment, managing grants, and more.


Utforsk helseforskning med *Introduction To Health Research Methods Av Kathryn H. Jacobsen*

Er du klar til å ta dine forskningsferdigheter til neste nivå? Dette er boken for deg! I *Introduction To Health Research Methods* får du en praktisk guide som leder deg gjennom de essensielle trinnene for å utføre både **kvantitativ** og **kvalitativ** forskning innen medisin og folkehelse.

Hvorfor Velge Denne Boken?

Boken er delt opp i fem seksjoner, slik at du enkelt kan navigere gjennom hele forskningsprosessen. Her er noen viktige funksjoner:

  • Step-by-step Veiledning: Lær hvordan du formulerer forskningsspørsmål, velger forskningsmetode og samler inn og analyserer data.
  • Umfattende Dekning: Inkluderer metoder for primære studier (innsamling av ny data), sekundære analyser (analyse av eksisterende data), og tertiære studier (litteraturgjennomganger og meta-analyser).
  • Oppdatert Innhold: Den tredje utgaven har fått betydelige oppdateringer med nye kapitler om kvalitativ forskningsdesign, datainnsamling, og dataanalyse.

For Bedre Forskningspraksis

Med *Introduction To Health Research Methods Av Kathryn H. Jacobsen* får du også:

  • Ny terminologi og begreper som er lettfattelige for alle trinn i forskningsprosessen.
  • Praktiske tips for å minimere skjevhet og sikre kvalitet i forskning.
  • Veiledning om hvordan du kan håndtere forskningsmidler og publisere funn på en ansvarlig måte.

Boken henvender seg ikke bare til studenter, men også til nye forskere som ønsker å bidra til å forbedre helsen til enkeltpersoner og samfunn. Er du klar til å starte din forskningsreise? Dette er boken som vil hjelpe deg med å navigere i helseforskningslandskapet!

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ProduktnavnJacobsen Kathryn H. Introduction To Health Research Methods
MerkeOther Brand
SjangerNaturvitenskap & Teknologi
ForfatterJacobsen, Kathryn H.

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