

Analytical methods are the essential enabling tools of the modern biosciences. This book presents a comprehensive introduction into these analytical methods, including their physical and chemical backgrounds, as well as a discussion of the strengths and weakness of each method. It covers all major techniques for the determina......
fra 1 149,-
Tilgjengelig i 2 butikker
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Analytical methods are the essential enabling tools of the modern biosciences. This book presents a comprehensive introduction into these analytical methods, including their physical and chemical backgrounds, as well as a discussion of the strengths and weakness of each method. It covers all major techniques for the determination and experimental analysis of biological macromolecules, including proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acids.<br><br> The presentation includes frequent cross-references in order to highlight the many connections between different techniques. The book provides a bird''s eye view of the entire subject and enables the reader to select the most appropriate method for any given bioanalytical challenge. This makes the book a handy resource for students and researchers in setting up and evaluating experimental research. The depth of the analysis and the comprehensive nature of the coverage mean that there is also a great deal of new material, even for experie
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Analytical methods are the essential enabling tools of the modern biosciences. This book presents a comprehensive introduction into these analytical methods, including their physical and chemical backgrounds, as well as a discussion of the strengths and weakness of each method. It covers all major techniques for the determination and experimental analysis of biological macromolecules, including proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acids. The presentation includes frequent cross-references in order to highlight the many connections between different techniques. The book provides a bird''s eye view of the entire subject and enables the reader to select the most appropriate method for any given bioanalytical challenge. This makes the book a handy resource for students and researchers in setting up and evaluating experimental research. The depth of the analysis and the comprehensive nature of the coverage mean that there is also a great deal of new material, even for experienced experimentalists. The following techniques are covered in detail: - Purification and determination of proteins - Measuring enzymatic activity - Microcalorimetry - Immunoassays, affinity chromatography and other immunological methods - Cross-linking, cleavage, and chemical modification of proteins - Light microscopy, electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy - Chromatographic and electrophoretic techniques - Protein sequence and composition analysis - Mass spectrometry methods - Measuring protein-protein interactions - Biosensors - NMR and EPR of biomolecules - Electron microscopy and X-ray structure analysis - Carbohydrate and lipid analysis - Analysis of posttranslational modifications - Isolation and determination of nucleic acids - DNA hybridization techniques - Polymerase chain reaction techniques - Protein sequence and composition analysis - DNA sequence and epigenetic modification analysis - Analysis of protein-nucleic acid interactions - Analysis of sequence data - Proteomics, metabolomics, peptidomics and toponomics - Chemical biology


Oppdag Bioanalytics – Den Nødvendige Ressursen for Biosciences

Bioanalytics er i hjertet av moderne biosystemer og er et uunnværlig verktøy for forskere og studenter. Denne omfattende boken gir deg en dyp innsikt i de analytiske metodene som muliggjør utforskning og forståelse av biologiske makromolekyler, fra proteiner til nukleinsyrer. Med en grundig sammenligning av styrker og svakheter ved hver metode, får du muligheten til å navigere effektivt gjennom komplekse bioanalytiske utfordringer.

Detaljerte Analytiske Metoder for Bioanalytics

Her er noen av hovedteknikkene dekket i Bioanalytics:

  • Proteinrening og bestemmelse: Optimalisering av renhetsgrader og karakterisering av proteiner.
  • Måling av enzymatisk aktivitet: Forstå enzymers funksjon og interaksjoner.
  • Immunologiske metoder: Immunassays og affinitetskromatografi for målrettet analyse.
  • Massespektrometri: Avansert teknikk for molekylær analyse.
  • Biosensorer: Innovasjoner som muliggjør realtids-dekking av biomolekylære interaksjoner.

Hvorfor Velge Bioanalytics?

Enten du er student ved universitetet eller en erfaren forsker, gir Bioanalytics deg de nødvendige verktøyene for å evaluere og sette opp eksperimenter på en grundig måte. Boken gir hyppige kryssreferanser mellom forskjellige teknikker, noe som hjelper deg å danne en helhetlig forståelse av feltet. Du vil ikke bare lære; du vil få et nytt perspektiv på hvordan metodene henger sammen.

For de som ønsker å holde seg oppdatert med de nyeste fremskrittene innen bioscience-forskning, er Bioanalytics en uvurderlig ressurs. Grip sjansen til å forbedre dine analytiske ferdigheter og forstå bioanalysefeltet i dybden. Bestill din kopi i dag og vær i forkant av den vitenskapelige utviklingen!


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