Nuclear And Particle Physics Av Brian R. (University College London) Martin, Graham (University Of Manchester) Shaw

Nuclear And Particle Physics Av Brian R. (University College London) Martin, Graham (University Of Manchester) Shaw

Updated and expanded edition of this well-known Physics textbook provides an excellent Undergraduate introduction to the fieldThis new edition of Nuclear and Particle Physics continues the standards established by its predecessors, offering a comprehensive and......
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Nuclear and Particle Physics: An Introduction. Updated and expanded edition of this well-known Physics textbook provides an excellent Undergraduate introduction to the field This new edition of Nuclear and Particle Physics continues the standards established by its predecessors, offering a comprehensive and highly readable overview of both the theoretical and experimental areas of these fields. The updated and expanded text covers a very wide range of topics in particle and nuclear physics, with an emphasis on the phenomenological approach to understanding experimental data. It is one of the few publications currently available that gives equal treatment to both fields, while remaining accessible to undergraduates. Early chapters cover basic concepts of nuclear and particle physics, before describing their respective phenomenologies and experimental methods. Later chapters interpret data through models and theories, such as the standard model of particle physics, and the liquid drop and shell models of nuclear physics, and also discuss many applications of both fields. The concluding two chapters deal with practical applications and outstanding issues, including extensions to the standard model, implications for particle astrophysics, improvements in medical imaging, and prospects for power production. There are a number of useful appendices. Other notable features include: New or expanded coverage of developments in relevant fields, such as the discovery of the Higgs boson, recent results in neutrino physics, research to test theories beyond the standard model (such as supersymmetry), and important technical advances, such as Penning traps used for high-precision measurements of nuclear masses. Practice problems at the end of chapters (excluding the last chapter) with solutions to selected problems provided in an appendix, as well as an extensive list of references for further reading. Companion website with solutions (odd-numbered problems for students, all problems for instructors), PowerPoint lecture slides, and other resources. As with previous editions, the balanced coverage and additional resources provided, makes Nuclear and Particle Physics an excellent foundation for advanced undergraduate courses, or a valuable general reference text for early graduate studies.  Forfattere: Utgave: ukjent Språk: Engelsk Sidetall: 520 ISBN: 9781119344612 Vekt: 1186 g Forla Innbindin Heftet Utgitt: 2019 Veil. pris: 0 kr Kategori: Bøker
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Updated and expanded edition of this well-known Physics textbook provides an excellent Undergraduate introduction to the field This new edition of Nuclear and Particle Physics continues the standards established by its predecessors, offering a comprehensive and highly readable overview of both the theoretical and experimental areas of these fields. The updated and expanded text covers a very wide range of topics in particle and nuclear physics, with an emphasis on the phenomenological approach to understanding experimental data. It is one of the few publications currently available that gives equal treatment to both fields, while remaining accessible to undergraduates. Early chapters cover basic concepts of nuclear and particle physics, before describing their respective phenomenologies and experimental methods. Later chapters interpret data through models and theories, such as the standard model of particle physics, and the liquid drop and shell models of nuclear physics, and also discuss many applications of both fields. The concluding two chapters deal with practical applications and outstanding issues, including extensions to the standard model, implications for particle astrophysics, improvements in medical imaging, and prospects for power production. There are a number of useful appendices. Other notable features include: New or expanded coverage of developments in relevant fields, such as the discovery of the Higgs boson, recent results in neutrino physics, research to test theories beyond the standard model (such as supersymmetry), and important technical advances, such as Penning traps used for high-precision measurements of nuclear masses. Practice problems at the end of chapters (excluding the last chapter) with solutions to selected problems provided in an appendix, as well as an extensive list of references for further reading. Companion website with solutions (odd-numbered problems for students, all problems for instructors), PowerPoint lecture slides, and other resources. As with previous editions, the balanced coverage and additional resources provided, makes Nuclear and Particle Physics an excellent foundation for advanced undergraduate courses, or a valuable general reference text for early graduate studies.


Nuclear And Particle Physics Av Brian R. Martin og Graham Shaw

Nuclear and Particle Physics er den oppdaterte og utvidede utgaven av denne velkjente læreboken i fysikk, som gir en fremragende introduksjon til feltet for bachelorstudenter. Denne nye utgaven fortsetter tradisjonen fra sine forgjengere med en omfattende og lettfattelig oversikt over både de teoretiske og eksperimentelle områdene innen nukleær- og partikkelfysikk.

Hvordan Boken Er Bygget Opp

Boken dekker et bredt spekter av emner innen partikkelfysikk og nukleærfysikk, med fokus på fenomenologiske tilnærminger til forståelse av eksperimentelle data. Tidlige kapitler dekker grunnleggende begreper før de går videre til å beskrive de respektive fenomenologiene og eksperimentelle metodene. Later kapitler tolker data gjennom modeller og teorier, inkludert:

  • The Standard Model of Particle Physics
  • Liquid Drop Model av nukleær fysikk
  • Shell Model av nukleær fysikk

Praktiske Anvendelser og Aktuelle Temaer

De avsluttende kapitlene diskuterer praktiske anvendelser og viktige problemstillinger, som:

  • Utvidelser av standardmodellen
  • Implikasjoner for partikkelastrofysikk
  • Forbedringer innen medisinsk bildediagnostikk
  • Fremtidsutsikter for kraftproduksjon

Utmerkelser og Ressurser

Boken inneholder flere nyttige appendikser og nye eller utvidede dekninger av utviklingen innen relevante felt, inkludert:

  • Oppdagelsen av Higgs-bosonet
  • Nyere resultater innen nøytrino-fysikk
  • Forskning for å teste teorier utenfor standardmodellen, som supersymmetri
  • Viktige tekniske fremskritt som Penning-feller for nøyaktige målinger av atomære masser

Hvert kapittel (unntatt det siste) avsluttes med praksisoppgaver, og løsninger tilbys i et appendiks, samt en omfattende liste over referanser for videre lesning. En tilknyttet nettside gir løsninger på oddetallsoppgaver for studenter, samt alle problemer for instruktører.

Hvorfor Velge Nuclear And Particle Physics?

Som med tidligere utgaver, så gjør den balanserte dekningen og de ekstra ressursene Nuclear And Particle Physics til en utmerket kilde for avanserte bachelorkurs eller en verdifull referanse for tidlige graduate-studier. Enten du er en student som ønsker å dykke inn i verden av partikkelfysikk eller en fagperson som ønsker å friske opp kunnskapene dine, vil denne boken være ditt beste valg!



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