Rebuilding The Postwar Order Av Francine Mckenzie

Rebuilding The Postwar Order Av Francine Mckenzie

Throughout the Second World War, a wide range of people, including political leaders and government officials, experts and armchair internationalists, civil society groups and private citizens talked about and formulated plans to ensure national security and to promote individual well-being in the postwar world. Rebu......
fra 299,-
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Throughout the Second World War, a wide range of people, including political leaders and government officials, experts and armchair internationalists, civil society groups and private citizens talked about and formulated plans to ensure national security and to promote individual well-being in the postwar world. <i>Rebuilding the Postwar Order</i> explains how civil society and governments of the wartime allies conceived of peace and traces the international negotiations and conferences that later resulted in the United Nations system. It adopts a multilateral approach, connects wartime ideas to earlier peacemaking efforts, and reveals support for, as well as resistance and alternatives to, the emerging postwar order. In chapters on the United Nations, UNRRA, the IMF, World Bank and GATT, the FAO and WHO, UNESCO, and human rights, McKenzie explores the tensions between national sovereignty and international responsibility, national security and individual well-being, principles and com
Frakt og levering
Throughout the Second World War, a wide range of people, including political leaders and government officials, experts and armchair internationalists, civil society groups and private citizens talked about and formulated plans to ensure national security and to promote individual well-being in the postwar world. Rebuilding the Postwar Order explains how civil society and governments of the wartime allies conceived of peace and traces the international negotiations and conferences that later resulted in the United Nations system. It adopts a multilateral approach, connects wartime ideas to earlier peacemaking efforts, and reveals support for, as well as resistance and alternatives to, the emerging postwar order. In chapters on the United Nations, UNRRA, the IMF, World Bank and GATT, the FAO and WHO, UNESCO, and human rights, McKenzie explores the tensions between national sovereignty and international responsibility, national security and individual well-being, principles and compromises, morality and power, privilege and justice, all of which influenced the UN system.


Oppdag "Rebuilding The Postwar Order" Av Francine McKenzie

Er du klar til å dykke inn i den fascinerende verden av etterkrigstidens diplomati og samfunnsforhold? Rebuilding The Postwar Order av Francine McKenzie er en uunnværlig bok for alle som ønsker å forstå den komplekse reisen mot fred og samarbeid etter den andre verdenskrig. I denne boken blir du kjent med hvordan både politiske ledere og vanlige mennesker bidro til å skape et nytt internasjonalt system.

Hva Omhandler Boken?

I "Rebuilding The Postwar Order" utforsker McKenzie hvordan forskjellige grupper, fra statsledere til civilsamfunn, utviklet ideer for å sikre både nasjonal sikkerhet og individuell velvære etter krigen. Noen av de mest sentrale temaene inkluderer:

  • FN-systemet og dets utvikling
  • Forhandlingene bak UNRRA, IMF, Verdensbanken, og GATT
  • Konfliktene mellom nasjonal suverenitet og internasjonalt ansvar
  • Kampene for menneskerettigheter og sosial rettferdighet

Hvorfor Velge Denne Boken?

Med en lettfattelig framstilling, gir McKenzie deg innsikt i de tensiøse og ofte motstridende ideene som preget tiden. "Rebuilding The Postwar Order" er ikke bare en akademisk analyse, men en fortelling som bringer til liv den menneskelige siden av global politikk.

Enten du er en student, forsker eller bare en nysgjerrig leser, vil denne boken berike din forståelse av hvordan dagens internasjonale relasjoner ble formet. Ikke gå glipp av muligheten til å oppdage de underliggende kreftene som forandret verden!


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