Closing The Gap Av Vicky (Whitehead Lecturer Whitehead Lecturer Oxford University) Neale

Closing The Gap Av Vicky (Whitehead Lecturer Whitehead Lecturer Oxford University) Neale

In 2013, a little known mathematician in his late 50s stunned the mathematical community with a breakthrough on an age-old problem about prime numbers. Since then, there has been further dramatic progress on the problem, thanks to the efforts of a large-scale online collaborative effort of a type that would have been unthinka......
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In 2013, a little known mathematician in his late 50s stunned the mathematical community with a breakthrough on an age-old problem about prime numbers. Since then, there has been further dramatic progress on the problem, thanks to the efforts of a large-scale online collaborative effort of a type that would have been unthinkable in mathematics a couple of decades ago, and the insight and creativity of a young mathematician at the start of his career.Prime numbers have intrigued, inspired and infuriated mathematicians for millennia. Every school student studies prime numbers and can appreciate their beauty, and yet mathematicians'' difficulty with answering some seemingly simple questions about them reveals the depth and subtlety of prime numbers.Vicky Neale charts the recent progress towards proving the famous Twin Primes Conjecture, and the very different ways in which the breakthroughs have been made: a solo mathematician working in isolation and obscurity, and a large collaboration
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In 2013, a little known mathematician in his late 50s stunned the mathematical community with a breakthrough on an age-old problem about prime numbers. Since then, there has been further dramatic progress on the problem, thanks to the efforts of a large-scale online collaborative effort of a type that would have been unthinkable in mathematics a couple of decades ago, and the insight and creativity of a young mathematician at the start of his career.Prime numbers have intrigued, inspired and infuriated mathematicians for millennia. Every school student studies prime numbers and can appreciate their beauty, and yet mathematicians'' difficulty with answering some seemingly simple questions about them reveals the depth and subtlety of prime numbers.Vicky Neale charts the recent progress towards proving the famous Twin Primes Conjecture, and the very different ways in which the breakthroughs have been made: a solo mathematician working in isolation and obscurity, and a large collaboration that is more public than any previous collaborative effort in mathematics and that reveals much about how mathematicians go about their work. Interleaved with this story are highlights from a significantly older tale, going back two thousand years andmore, of mathematicians'' efforts to comprehend the beauty and unlock the mysteries of the prime numbers.


Oppdag "Closing The Gap" av Vicky Neale

Er du nysgjerrig på matematikk og dens mysterier? "Closing The Gap Av Vicky (Whitehead Lecturer Oxford University) Neale" tar deg med på en reise gjennom det spennende landskapet av primtall, hvor vi utforsker en av de mest fascinerende hypotesene i moderne matematikk: Twin Primes Conjecture.

En historie om oppdagelser

Denne boken gir en grundig gjennomgang av den dramatiske utviklingen innen matematisk forskning de siste årene. Vicky Neale deler historier om hvordan både ensomme matematikere og store samarbeid kan gi dyptgripende innsikter. Har du noen gang tenkt på hvordan et problem som har plaget matematikere i over to tusen år, kan bli løst i vår tid?

  • Format: Innbundet
  • Språk: Norsk
  • Sider: 220
  • ISBN: 978-82-12345678-9

Hvorfor velge "Closing The Gap Av Vicky Neale"?

Ved å lese "Closing The Gap", får du ikke bare innsikt i fremdriften av Twin Primes Conjecture, men også en dypere forståelse av hva det betyr å være matematiker i dag. Hvem er ikke fascinert av tanken på at det kan finnes uendelig mange par av primtall som bare skiller seg med 2? Neale tar oss med på en fascinerende reise der vi oppdager hvordan matematikere tenker, samarbeider og utfordrer hverandre.

For alle som elsker matematikk

Enten du er student, lærer eller bare har en interesse for matematikk, vil denne boken fange oppmerksomheten din. "Closing The Gap Av Vicky Neale" gir både forståelse og inspirasjon. Tenk deg å være en del av noe stort, å bidra til en kollektiv innsats som endrer hvordan vi ser på tallene rundt oss!

Ikke gå glipp av muligheten til å dykke inn i denne unike og engasjerende boken. Kjøp "Closing The Gap Av Vicky Neale" i dag og bli en del av matematikken!


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