What We Talk About When We Talk About Books Av Leah Price

What We Talk About When We Talk About Books Av Leah Price

Reports of the death of reading are greatly exaggerated Do you worry that you've lost patience for anything longer than a tweet? If so, you're not alone. Digital-age pundits warn that as our appetite for......
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<DIV><DIV><DIV><B>Reports of the death of reading are greatly exaggerated</B></DIV><DIV> </DIV><DIV><DIV>Do you worry that you've lost patience for anything longer than a tweet? If so, you're not alone. Digital-age pundits warn that as our appetite for books dwindles, so too do the virtues in which printed, bound objects once trained us: the willpower to focus on a sustained argument, the curiosity to look beyond the day's news, the willingness to be alone.</DIV><DIV> </DIV><DIV>The shelves of the world's great libraries, though, tell a more complicated story. Examining the wear and tear on the books that they contain, English professor Leah Price finds scant evidence that a golden age of reading ever existed. From the dawn of mass literacy to the invention of the paperback, most readers already skimmed and multitasked. Print-era doctors even forbade the very same silent absorption now recommended as a cure for electronic addictions.</DIV><DIV> </DIV><DIV
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Around 2000, people began to believe that books were on verge of extinction. Their obsolescence, in turn, was expected to doom the habits of mind that longform print had once prompted: the capacity to follow a demanding idea from start to finish, to look beyond the day's news, or even just to be alone. The "death of the book" is an anxiety that has spawned a thousand jeremiads about the dumbing down of American culture, the ever-shorter attention spans of our children, the collapse of civilized discourse.All of these anxieties rely on the idea of a golden age, when children and adults alike sat quietly for long stretches reading edifying literature that improved our minds and souls. A booklover by temperament as much as profession, literature professor Leah Price wanted to believe that. But as a historian of the book, searching out the traces of long-dead readers through their marginalia and their unbroken spines, she began to wonder if our current digital discontents were stirring up nostalgia for a past that had never existed.When you look at old books, what do you find? A few well-greased pagespreads limply scattered among hundreds that remained spotlessly crisp; essays stained with beer from reading aloud at the pub; novels crumpled from being hidden in a pocket. From the eighteenth-century dawn of mass literacy to the Cold-War-era triumph of the paperback, few books were read cover-to-cover, meditatively, in silence. We have been shocked - shocked!--by data from Kindle that shows that most readers start books but rarely finish them, or skip large sections in between.But it has always been so. And in fact, for much of history, "deep" reading was strongly discouraged. Doctors and clergymen warned that print could addict, distract, or corrupt--not the ideas it contained, but the very experience of running one's eyes over a page.Over the centuries, children and women especially were repeatedly warned not to spend too much time reading, lest it excite their minds and distract them from other, more edifying tasks. Impatient with untempered book worship, Price emphasizes the continuities between past and present reading practices, and dispels the myth of the Golden Age of Print on multiple fronts. An anti-nostalgic examination of the past, present and future of reading, What We Talk About When We Talk About Books will fascinate bibliophiles and readers of all stripes.


Oppdag Dypere Tanker med What We Talk About When We Talk About Books Av Leah Price

Er bøker virkelig på vei mot utryddelse? I What We Talk About When We Talk About Books, tar Leah Price oss med på en reise gjennom litteraturens historie og utfordrer den utbredte tanken om at vår digitale tidsalder har ført til en nedgang i lesevanene. Denne boken er ikke bare for bibliotekarer og bokelskere; den er for alle som noen gang har stilt seg selv spørsmålet: "Hvor ble det av vår evne til å lese lange tekster?"

Et Nytt Blikk på Litteraturens Fortid og Fremtid

Price graver dypt i historiske litterære praksiser og minner oss om at lesing ikke alltid har vært en meditative aktivitet. Hun argumenterer for at vår moderne angst for bøkers død er basert på et falmet minne om en gyllen tidsalder. Hvem husker vel ikke de stygge innleggene i gamle bøker, som forteller om sene kvelder med latter og debatt? Her er noen av de tankevekkende temaene som boken berører:

  • Historiske perspektiver på lesing og hvordan denne har utviklet seg.
  • Hvordan fysisk bokformat påvirker vår leseopplevelse.
  • Den kulturelle betydningen av lesing i hverdagen.

Hva Gjør Denne Boken Uunvendelig?

Boken er velskreven og gir et friskt perspektiv på leseingens rolle i samfunnet. Den passer perfekt for alle aldersgrupper, enten du er en ung student som ønsker å forstå lesekulturens dybde eller en eldre leser som ønsker å reflektere over tidens gang. Her er noen av høydepunktene:

  • Fasinerende fakta: Hver side er fylt med overraskelser og innsikter om både gamle og moderne lesevaner.
  • Engasjerende stil: Prices skrivestil er både akademisk og lettfattelig, noe som gjør den lett tilgjengelig.
  • Reflekterende perspektiv: Boken tvinger leseren til å tenke på sitt eget forhold til bøker og lesing.

Konklusjon: Hvorfor Du Bør Lese What We Talk About When We Talk About Books Av Leah Price

Ikke la deg skremme av ideen om at bøker er på vei ut. La Leah Price åpne øynene dine for en verden der bøker fortsatt spiller en sentral rolle i vår kultur. Er du klar for å utfordre dine egne synspunkter om lesing? What We Talk About When We Talk About Books er en bok som ikke bare vil underholde, men også utfordre deg til å tenke dypere.


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