Reason & Rigor Av Sharon M. Ravitch, J. Matthew Riggan

Reason & Rigor Av Sharon M. Ravitch, J. Matthew Riggan

Designed for novice as well as more experienced researchers, Reason & Rigor presents conceptual frameworks as a mechanism for aligning literature review, research design, and methodology. The book explores the conceptual framework—defined as both a process and a product—that helps to direct and ground researchers as they work......
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Designed for novice as well as more experienced researchers, <strong>Reason & Rigor</strong> presents conceptual frameworks as a mechanism for aligning literature review, research design, and methodology. The book explores the conceptual framework—defined as both a process and a product—that helps to direct and ground researchers as they work through common research challenges. Focusing on published studies on a range of topics and employing both quantitative and qualitative methods, the updated <strong>Second Edition</strong> features two new chapters and clearly communicates the processes of developing and defining conceptual frameworks.
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Exploring the conceptual framework that helps direct and ground researchers, this is a practical book that presents conceptual frameworks as a mechanism - process and product. The authors discuss a conceptual framework as both a guide and a ballast for empirical research with specific questions and strategies for exploring what is already known about a given topic or question. In the second edition two new chapters have been added; chapter 3 focuses on how conceptual frameworks are conceptualized and developed, profiling Angela Duckworth's seminal work on grit.The chapter addresses the question on the minds of graduate students preparing for the dissertation process: how do I get started? A second published work (along with Margaret Beale Spencer's featured in chapter 7) that utilizes quantitative methods and brings the book into greater balance in terms of methodological focus. Chapter 8 is the second new chapter and provides a student's perspective on the role of conceptual frameworks in the research process from beginning to end. Many more visuals have been included which assist in illustrating key ideas and relationships providing a clear roadmap for the reader, combined with a thorough updating of the relevant research.


Utforskning av konseptuelle rammer med Reason & Rigor Av Sharon M. Ravitch, J. Matthew Riggan

Er du en forsker som står overfor utfordringen med å navigere i det komplekse landskapet av data og teorier? Reason & Rigor er boken for deg! Denne praktiske guiden hjelper deg med å anvende konseptuelle rammer, både som en prosess og et produkt, i din forskning. Med nyttige strategier og innsikter gir boken en solid støtte for både nybegynnere og erfarne forskere.

Nøkkelfunksjoner i Reason & Rigor

  • Konseptuelle rammer: Få en dypere forståelse av hvordan konseptuelle rammer kan guide deg gjennom litteraturgjennomgang, forskningsdesign og metodevalg.
  • Nyeste utgave: Den andre utgaven inkluderer to nye kapitler som adresserer viktige temaer som å starte med avhandlingen din og anvendelsen av kvantitative metoder.
  • Illustrasjoner og visuelle hjelpemidler: Boken inneholder mange visuelle hjelpemidler som tydeliggjør sentrale ideer og relasjoner, og gir en klar veiledning for leseren.
  • Studentperspektiv: Få innsikt i studenters erfaringer med konseptuelle rammer gjennom hele forskningsprosessen.

En nyttig ressurs for alle forskere

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