An Introduction To Statistical Mechanics And Thermodynamics Av Robert H. (Emeritus Professor Physics Department Emeritus Professor Physics Department

An Introduction To Statistical Mechanics And Thermodynamics Av Robert H. (Emeritus Professor Physics Department Emeritus Professor Physics Department

An Introduction to Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics returns with a second edition which includes new chapters, further explorations, and updated information into the study of statistical mechanics and thermal dynamics.The first part of the book derives the entropy of the classical ideal gas, using only classical stati......
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Tilgjengelig i 2 butikker
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An Introduction to Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics returns with a second edition which includes new chapters, further explorations, and updated information into the study of statistical mechanics and thermal dynamics.The first part of the book derives the entropy of the classical ideal gas, using only classical statistical mechanics and an analysis of multiple systems first suggested by Boltzmann. The properties of the entropy are then expressed as "postulates" of thermodynamics in the second part of the book. From these postulates, the formal structure of thermodynamics is developed. The third part of the book introduces the canonical and grand canonical ensembles, which are shown to facilitate calculations for many model systems. An explanation of irreversible phenomena that is consistent with time-reversal invariance in a closed system is presented. The fourth part of the book is devoted to quantum statistical mechanics, including black-body radiation, the harmonic solid, B
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An Introduction to Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics returns with a second edition which includes new chapters, further explorations, and updated information into the study of statistical mechanics and thermal dynamics.The first part of the book derives the entropy of the classical ideal gas, using only classical statistical mechanics and an analysis of multiple systems first suggested by Boltzmann. The properties of the entropy are then expressed as "postulates" of thermodynamics in the second part of the book. From these postulates, the formal structure of thermodynamics is developed. The third part of the book introduces the canonical and grand canonical ensembles, which are shown to facilitate calculations for many model systems. An explanation of irreversible phenomena that is consistent with time-reversal invariance in a closed system is presented. The fourth part of the book is devoted to quantum statistical mechanics, including black-body radiation, the harmonic solid, Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac statistics, and an introduction to band theory, including metals, insulators, and semiconductors. The final chapter gives a brief introduction to the theory of phase transitions. Throughout the book, there is a strong emphasis on computational methods to make abstract concepts more concrete.


Utforsk Universet med An Introduction To Statistical Mechanics And Thermodynamics

Har du noen gang lurt på hvordan de små partiklene i universet oppfører seg? An Introduction To Statistical Mechanics And Thermodynamics av Robert H. er boken som gir deg svaret! Denne nyeste utgaven tar deg med på en reise gjennom statistisk mekanikk og termodynamikk med helt ferske kapitler og oppdatert informasjon.

Innhold og Struktur

  • Entropi og Ideale Gasser: Lær hvordan entropien til klassiske ideelle gasser utledes ved hjelp av klassisk statistisk mekanikk.
  • Termodynamiske Postulater: Forstå de grunnleggende postulater av termodynamikk og hvordan de former den formelle strukturen.
  • Ensemble Teori: Få en introduksjon til kanoniske og grand kanoniske ensembler som gjør beregningene enklere.
  • Kvantestatistisk Mekanikk: Oppdag lesninger om svart-legeme stråling, harmoniske faste stoffer, og statisitikkene fra Bose-Einstein og Fermi-Dirac.
  • Faseoverganger: Avsluttende kapitler gir et overblikk over teoriene bak faseoverganger.

Hvem Bør Lese Denne Boken?

Enten du er en student, forskningsekspert, eller bare en nysgjerrig sjel, vil An Introduction To Statistical Mechanics And Thermodynamics berike din forståelse av fysikkens underliggende prinsipper. Boken er utformet for å gjøre abstrakte konsepter mer håndgripelige ved å inkludere mange beregningsmetoder, som gjør den til en utmerket ressurs.


Ikke gå glipp av muligheten til å bli en mester i statistisk mekanikk og termodynamikk! Med An Introduction To Statistical Mechanics And Thermodynamics av Robert H. i din bokhylle får du ikke bare dyptgående kunnskap, men også de verktøyene du trenger for å utforske naturen på en helt ny måte.


ProduktnavnSwendsen Robert H. An Introduction to Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics
MerkeOther Brand
SjangerNaturvitenskap & Teknologi
ForfatterSwendsen, Robert H.
ForlagOxford University Press

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