The Flying Child - A Cautionary Fairytale For Adults Av Sophie Olson, Patricia Walsh

The Flying Child - A Cautionary Fairytale For Adults Av Sophie Olson, Patricia Walsh

¿And then came the session where I felt I would give up. I felt frustrated as I¿d worked so hard on trying to speak but the most important words; the worst ones, had simply not come out. I implied I would not necessarily come back the following week and as I got up to leave the room, Pat said, ¿Try detaching from it entirely.......
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¿And then came the session where I felt I would give up. I felt frustrated as I¿d worked so hard on trying to speak but the most important words; the worst ones, had simply not come out. I implied I would not necessarily come back the following week and as I got up to leave the room, Pat said, ¿Try detaching from it entirely. Try writing it as a fairy story. Start with the words, once upon a time there was a little girl¿. That evening, I tried. I sat on my bed and typed on the note¿s app of my phone Once Upon A Time ¿ and finally, four decades after the abuse began, the words started to flow.¿ This book documents the therapeutic journey undertaken by Sophie and her therapist, Pat. It includes all chapters of the fairy tale and the drawings Sophie created to help her make sense of her experiences and to reconnect with herself. It also contains the many in-between session conversations Pat and Sophie had by email, WhatsApp, and texts, with important insights into how to work safely with
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‘And then came the session where I felt I would give up. I felt frustrated as I’d worked so hard on trying to speak but the most important words; the worst ones, had simply not come out. I implied I would not necessarily come back the following week and as I got up to leave the room, Pat said,‘Try detaching from it entirely. Try writing it as a fairy story. Start with the words, once upon a time there was a little girl’. That evening, I tried. I sat on my bed and typed on the note’s app of my phone Once Upon A Time … and finally, four decades after the abuse began, the words started to flow.’This book documents the therapeutic journey undertaken by Sophie and her therapist, Pat. It includes all chapters of the fairy tale and the drawings Sophie created to help her make sense of her experiences and to reconnect with herself. It also contains the many in-between session conversations Pat and Sophie had by email, WhatsApp, and texts, with important insights into how to work safely with trauma. Essential reading for all therapists, counsellors, health professionals, educators, and social workers, interested in understanding or working with survivors of child sexual abuse, and for those who are survivors of sexual abuse, The Flying Child – A Cautionary Fairy Tale for Adults- Finding a purposeful life after Child Sexual Abuse through compassionate and creative therapy – is a must- have for your bookshelf. Today, Sophie is a survivor activist, writer, founder and managing director of The Flying Child: a non-profit, National Lottery Community Funded organisation improving the awareness of child sexual abuse and the consequences of trauma. The core aim of The Flying Child is to normalise speaking about CSA. The Flying Child Project brings lived experience into the heart of professional settings, providing training in Education, Social Work and Healthcare. Pat Walsh is an experiential and intuitive counsellor with over forty years’ experience of working in trauma. Her background in nursing and occupational therapy taught her that to heal properly, wounds must be deeply cleansed, and purpose and meaning must be established to build any long -lasting recovery. She brings these learnings into her therapeutic work with survivors of sexual violence and childhood sexual abuse.


Oppdag "The Flying Child - A Cautionary Fairytale For Adults"

Er du klar for en reise inn i en verden hvor fortellinger blir til helbredelse? The Flying Child - A Cautionary Fairytale For Adults av Sophie Olson og Patricia Walsh gir deg et dypdykk i de utfordrende, men nødvendige temaene rundt barndomstraumer og gjenopprettelse. Denne unike boken kombinerer en gripende fortelling med terapeutiske refleksjoner og kan være akkurat det verktøyet du har ventet på.

Et dypdykk i livets utfordringer

Gjennom Sophie Olsons ærlige beretning får leseren en sjelden mulighet til å se inn i hennes indre kamp etter å ha overlevd barndomstraumer. Boken dokumenterer den terapeutiske reisen hun tok sammen med sin terapeut, Pat. Historien begynner med hennes frustrasjon over å uttrykke de mest sårbare følelsene, før hun finner en kreativ utvei ved å skrive det som en eventyrfortelling. Dette er ikke bare en bok; det er et verktøy for helbredelse.

Innblikk i terapiprosessen

  • Unik tilnærming: Boken inkluderer alle kapitlene av eventyret, sammen med visuelle illustrasjoner som Sophie har laget som en del av sin helbredelsesprosess.
  • Innblikk i kommunikasjon: Leserne får også innsyn i samtalene mellom Sophie og Pat gjennom e-post og meldinger, som gir verdifulle innsikter i hvordan man trygt kan arbeide med traumer.
  • Veiledning for fagfolk: "The Flying Child" er essensiell lesning for terapeuter, helsepersonell, lærere og sosialarbeidere som ønsker å forstå og støtte overlevende av barndomseksuelle overgrep.

En kraftfull ressurs

Etter å ha lest The Flying Child, vil du ikke bare få en dypere forståelse av trauma, men også hvordan man kan navigere mot en meningsfull tilværelse etter overgrep. Sophie er nå en aktiv overlever, skribent og grunnlegger av The Flying Child, en ideell organisasjon som jobber for å øke bevisstheten rundt barndomseksuelle overgrep.

Hvorfor du bør lese denne boken

Bortsett fra å være en utrolig personlig beretning, vil denne boken også gi deg verktøyene du trenger for å begynne samtaler om et tema som ofte er tabubelagt. Er du klar for å ta et skritt inn i en verden hvor fortellinger helbreder? Legg "The Flying Child - A Cautionary Fairytale For Adults" til boklisten din i dag!


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