The surprising and illuminating look at how Tolkien's love of science and natural history shaped the creation of his Middle Earth, from its flora and fauna to its landscapes.The world J.R.R. Tolkien created is oneofthe most beloved in allofliterature, and continues to capture hearts and imaginations around the world. From Oxford to ComiCon, theMiddleEarthis analyzed and interpreted through a multitudeofperspectives. But one essential facetofTolkien and hisMiddleEarthhas been overlooked:science. This great writer, creatorofworlds and unforgettable character, and inventoroflanguage was also a scientific autodidact, with an innate interest and graspofbotany, paleontologist and geologist, with additional passions for archeology and chemistry. Tolkien was an acute observerofflora and fauna and mined the mindsofhis scientific friends about ocean currents and volcanoes. It is these layerssciencethat give his imaginary universe—and the creatures and characters that inhabit it—such concreteness. Within this gorgeously illustrated edition, a rangeofscientists—from astrophysicists to physicians, botanists to volcanologists—explore Tolkien’s novels, poems, and letters to reveal their fascinating scientific roots. A rewarding combinationofliterary exploration and scientific discovery,TheScienceofMiddle-earthreveals the hidden meaningofthe Ring’s corruption, why Hobbits have big feet, the originsofthe Dwarves, the animals which inspired the dragons, and even whether or not an Ent is possible. Enhanced by superb original drawings, this transportive work will delight both Tolkien fans andsciencelovers and inspire us to view bothMiddleEarth—and our own world—with fresh eyes.
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