Urban Informality

Urban Informality

The turn of the century has been a moment of rapid urbanization. Much of this urban growth is taking place in the cities of the developing world and much of it in informal settlements. This book presents cutting-edge research from various world regions to demonstrate these trends. The contributions reveal that informal housin......
fra 1 369,-
Tilgjengelig i 2 butikker
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The turn of the century has been a moment of rapid urbanization. Much of this urban growth is taking place in the cities of the developing world and much of it in informal settlements. This book presents cutting-edge research from various world regions to demonstrate these trends. The contributions reveal that informal housing is no longer the domain of the urban poor; rather it is a significant zone of transactions for the middle-class and even transnational elites. Indeed, the book presents a rich view of ''urban informality'' as a system of regulations and norms that governs the use of space and makes possible new forms of social and political power. The book is organized as a ''transnational'' endeavor. It brings together three regional domains of research¿the Middle East, Latin America, and South Asia¿that are rarely in conversation with one another. It also unsettles the hierarchy of development and underdevelopment by looking at some First World processes of informality through
Frakt og levering
The turn of the century has been a moment of rapid urbanization. Much of this urban growth is taking place in the cities of the developing world and much of it in informal settlements. This book presents cutting-edge research from various world regions to demonstrate these trends. The contributions reveal that informal housing is no longer the domain of the urban poor; rather it is a significant zone of transactions for the middle-class and even transnational elites. Indeed, the book presents a rich view of ''urban informality'' as a system of regulations and norms that governs the use of space and makes possible new forms of social and political power. The book is organized as a ''transnational'' endeavor. It brings together three regional domains of research—the Middle East, Latin America, and South Asia—that are rarely in conversation with one another. It also unsettles the hierarchy of development and underdevelopment by looking at some First World processes of informality through a Third World research lens.


Utforsk 'Urban Informality' - En Nytilnærming til Urbanisering

Urban Informality er ikke bare en bok; det er en reise inn i den dynamiske verdenen av urban utvikling og informelle bosetninger. Med den raske urbaniseringen som preger det 21. århundre, spesielt i utviklingsland, gir denne boken et unikt innblikk i fenomenet informell bolig som har blitt en nødvendighet for mange.

Innhold og Struktur i 'Urban Informality'

  • Transnasjonal Perspektiv: Boken tar for seg forskning fra tre forskjellige regioner - Midtøsten, Latin-Amerika, og Sør-Asia. Dette gir en sjelden mulighet til å se foreningene og ulikhetene mellom deres utviklingsprosesser.
  • Ny Samfunnsstruktur: Her oppdager vi at informell bolig ikke lenger kun er et problem for de urbanfattige; det er nå et viktig område for middelklassen, og til og med transnasjonale eliter.
  • Reguleringer og Normer: Boken avdekker hvordan reguleringene av bruken av byrommet fremmer nye former for sosial og politisk makt.

Hvorfor Velge 'Urban Informality'?

Hvis du er fascinert av urban utvikling, politikk eller sosiale strukturer, er dette et must-read. Den utfordrer tradisjonelle oppfatninger om utvikling og underutvikling ved å belyse informelle prosesser også i førsteverdensland.

Denne boken blir din guide, gir deg en rik forståelse av hvordan urban informality former livene våre i dag og i fremtiden. Grip sjansen til å utvide horisonten din med 'Urban Informality'!


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