This book encourages further conversation on the expanding circle in World Englishes, offering a detailed look at “China English” through the academic writing of Chinese students at a British university.The volume seeks to blur the simplistic binary of “Chinglish,” a broad term often understood to encompass grammatical or lexical errors or seemingly “unnatural” expressions, and “China English,” which the authors articulate here as its own variety, as evidenced in language use marked by predictability. The research framework begins with analyzing student essays in one program at the University of Manchester, predominantly made up of Chinese students. In highlighting recurring features and supported by online surveys of the students, the authors demonstrate how “China English” displays the systematicity in grammar and lexis observed in varieties of English. In focusing on academic writing, a genre which bears prominence in assessment, the book raises key questions about implications for teaching, what is considered appropriate language, and whether, rather than seeking to replace “standard English,” the notion of what is “standard” might be broadened to encompass other varieties. The book further promotes implications beyond pedagogies, to include learning more broadly, marking, curriculum/policy, training and identity negotiation.This book will be of interest to students and scholars in language and education, World Englishes, sociolinguistics, and applied linguistics.
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