Finding Sanctuary Av Fr. Christopher Osb Jamison

Finding Sanctuary Av Fr. Christopher Osb Jamison

Abbot Christopher Jamison, from BBC2''s THE MONASTERY and new show THE SILENCE, suggests ways in which the teachings of St Benedict can be helpful in everyday life.Have you ever wondered why everybody these days seems so busy? In FINDING SANCTUARY, Father Christopher J......
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<p><b>Abbot Christopher Jamison, from BBC2''s THE MONASTERY and new show THE SILENCE, suggests ways in which the teachings of St Benedict can be helpful in everyday life.</b><br><br>Have you ever wondered why everybody these days seems so busy? In FINDING SANCTUARY, Father Christopher Jamison offers practical wisdom from the monastic tradition on how to build sanctuary into your life.<br><br>No matter how hard you work, being too busy is not inevitable. Silence and contemplation are not just for monks and nuns, they are natural parts of life. Yet to keep hold of this truth in the rush of modern living you need the support of other people and sensible advice from wise guides. By learning to listen in new ways, people''s lives can change and the abbot offers some monastic steps that help this transition to a more spiritual life.<br><br>In the face of many easy assumptions about the irrelevance of religion today, Father Christopher makes religion accessible for those in search of life''s
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Abbot Christopher Jamison, from BBC2's THE MONASTERY and new show THE SILENCE, suggests ways in which the teachings of St Benedict can be helpful in everyday life. Have you ever wondered why everybody these days seems so busy? In FINDING SANCTUARY, Father Christopher Jamison offers practical wisdom from the monastic tradition on how to build sanctuary into your life. No matter how hard you work, being too busy is not inevitable.Silence and contemplation are not just for monks and nuns, they are natural parts of life. Yet to keep hold of this truth in the rush of modern living you need the support of other people and sensible advice from wise guides. By learning to listen in new ways, people's lives can change and the abbot offers some monastic steps that help this transition to a more spiritual life.In the face of many easy assumptions about the irrelevance of religion today, Father Christopher makes religion accessible for those in search of life's meaning and offers a vision of the world's religions working together as a unique source of hope for the 21st century.


Oppdag ro med Finding Sanctuary Av Fr. Christopher Osb Jamison

I en verden hvor tempoet stadig øker, er det lett å føle seg overveldet og oppslukt av hverdagens krav. Finding Sanctuary av Fr. Christopher Jamison gir deg verktøyene til å finne tilbake til indre fred, med praktiske råd hentet fra klostertradisjonen. Har du noen gang spurt deg selv hvorfor mange av oss føler vi aldri har tid til oss selv? Denne boken tilbyr en vei ut av det hektiske livet.

Praktisk visdom fra klosteret

Far Christopher deler kloke perspektiver basert på St. Benedikts lære, og viser hvordan vi kan inkorporere stillhet og refleksjon i vår daglige rutine. Med Finding Sanctuary fokuserer han på:

  • Hvordan bygge et personlig fristed i en travel hverdag
  • Verktøy for å lytte mer bevisst til oss selv og omgivelsene
  • Tips for å omfavne kontemplasjon som en del av livet, uavhengig av din religiøse bakgrunn
  • Praktiske trinn for å oppnå åndelig vekst

Tilgjengelig for alle

En av styrkene til Finding Sanctuary er at den ikke krever at du er munk eller nonne for å dra nytte av dens innsikter. Fr. Christopher klarer å gjøre religion og åndelighet relevant og tilgjengelig for alle, noe som er spesielt viktig i vår tid, hvor mange søker etter mening. Ved å integrere klosterlivets visdom i hverdagen kan du oppleve en forvandling som gir betydning og formål.

Ikke vent med å finne roen. Gjør Finding Sanctuary Av Fr. Christopher Osb Jamison til en del av din reise mot et mer meningsfylt liv i dag!


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