This is Tamiya Color Spray Lacquer for Polycarbonate (PS-1 White). For Adult Modelers Only.FEATURES: Specially developed for decorating transparent polycarbonate bodies used in R/C car modeling. An appropriate amount of paint for finishing one R/C model. This paint is impervious to oil and fuels, so they can be safely used on gas-powered R/C bodies. The color of the lid represents the color of paint.INCLUDES: (1) Spray Can of LacquerSPECS: Net Volume: 100mlCOMMENTS: Never use this paint on plastic models. Highly flammable.Lakk maling sprayboks lakkboks ps.
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Akkurat nå er 109,- den billigste prisen
for Tamiya Lakk - White - PS-1 blant
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