The Work Of Day And Night Av Jalal Al-Din Suyuti

The Work Of Day And Night Av Jalal Al-Din Suyuti

Imam Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti composed the Work of Day and Night (''Amal al-yawm wa''l-layla) as a guide to correct conduct and worship in accordance with the example of the Prophet and the Pious Predecessors. This book contains some of the most beautiful pr......
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<p>Imam Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti composed the <em>Work of Day and Night</em> (<em>''Amal al-yawm wa''l-layla</em>) as a guide to correct conduct and worship in accordance with the example of the Prophet and the Pious Predecessors. This book contains some of the most beautiful prayers in Islamic devotional literature, and Suyuty has provided guidance about nearly every situation that one is likely to encounter day-to-day. In it the reader will find: the prayers said upon awakening, before eating and when dressing; the acts carried out at various times of the day and between prayers; and much else. A special section is dedicated to prayers that are recommended for reading at times of need due to their widely recognised protective qualities. <em>Work of Day and Night</em> is invaluable for learning the Sunna of the Prophet and integrating it into one''s life, as Suyuti took great care to explain precisely how to perform each of the daily practices in accordance with the example of the Proph
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Imam Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti composed the Work of Day and Night (''Amal al-yawm wa''l-layla) as a guide to correct conduct and worship in accordance with the example of the Prophet and the Pious Predecessors. This book contains some of the most beautiful prayers in Islamic devotional literature, and Suyuty has provided guidance about nearly every situation that one is likely to encounter day-to-day. In it the reader will find: the prayers said upon awakening, before eating and when dressing; the acts carried out at various times of the day and between prayers; and much else. A special section is dedicated to prayers that are recommended for reading at times of need due to their widely recognised protective qualities. Work of Day and Night is invaluable for learning the Sunna of the Prophet and integrating it into one''s life, as Suyuti took great care to explain precisely how to perform each of the daily practices in accordance with the example of the Prophet Muhammad.It is hoped that this bilingual volume will enable a wider English-speaking audience to access one of the treasures of traditional Islamic knowledge and practice, and that it will provide Muslim readers with a source of inspiration in everyday life. A selection of the most beautiful and useful prayers has been transliterated and included in an appendix so that all worshippers may benefit by reciting them—regardless of Arabic ability. There is also a glossary of the most important religious terms.


Oppdag «The Work Of Day And Night Av Jalal Al-Din Suyuti»

«The Work Of Day And Night» (Amal al-yawm wa'l-layla) av Jalal al-Din Suyuti er en unik guide til korrekt oppførsel og tilbedelse, designet for å følges etter eksempelet til Profeten Muhammad og de fromme forgjengerne. Denne boken samler vakre bønn og praksiser fra islamsk devotjonal litteratur, skreddersydd for å veilede deg gjennom hver dag.

Innholdet i verket

  • Erfaringsprayer ved oppvåkning, før måltider og når man kler seg.
  • Handlinger knyttet til ulike tider av dagen og mellom bønnene.
  • Spesielt kapittel dedikert til bønn for nødstilfeller, ansett som beskyttende.

Imam Suyuti har med omhu forklart hvordan man utfører hver av disse daglige praksisene, og gir deg muligheten til å integrere sunnah i ditt dagligliv.

For alle som ønsker å forstå islamske tradisjoner

Med «The Work Of Day And Night» får du ikke bare tilgang til en skatt av tradisjonell islamsk kunnskap, men også verktøy som inspirerer i hverdagen. Verket er utgitt i tospråklig format, noe som gjør det tilgjengelig for et større, engelsktalende publikum. Dette gir ikke-arabisk talende brukere muligheten til å benytte seg av enkelte vakre og nyttige bønner, uavhengig av deres språkferdigheter.

Kjernen av islam i dine hender

Med ett sammendrag av de mest relevante religiøse begrepene i tillegg til et utvalg av bønnene translitterert, kan alle tilbedere dra nytte av å resitere disse. «The Work Of Day And Night Av Jalal Al-Din Suyuti» er mer enn bare en bok; det er en livslang følgesvenn for de som ønsker å leve i tråd med Profetens eksempel.



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