Dragon & Rogue Expansion, Vampire: The Masquerade - Rivals ( 4) - Brettspill fra Outland

Dragon & Rogue Expansion, Vampire: The Masquerade - Rivals ( 4) - Brettspill fra Outland

The Dragon & The Rogue is an expansion for Vampire The Masquerade Rivals ECG that adds two new clans: Tzimisce & Ravnos. Where Tzimisce seek to possess and disort the physical world around them, Ravnos constantly leave their world behind in search of fresh opportunities to exploit, and their distortions are more of the mental......
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The Dragon & The Rogue is an expansion for Vampire The Masquerade Rivals ECG that adds two new clans: Tzimisce & Ravnos. Where Tzimisce seek to possess and disort the physical world around them, Ravnos constantly leave their world behind in search of fresh opportunities to exploit, and their distortions are more of the mental variety. You may play these two clans head-to-head or integrate them with your Core Set and other expansions to create unique strategies for conquering your foes. Requires Vampire The Masquerade Rivals ECG to play. Husk kortlommer (sleeves)! Ta vare på kortene som følger med i dette spillet! Vi anbefaler at kortene legges i kortlommer for å redusere slitasje, samt gjøre stokkingen lettere! Nedenfor ser du kortlommene vi anbefaler til dette spillet:3 stk: Paladin Percival Board Game Sleeves 63,5x89 mm (55)


ProduktnavnDragon & Rogue Expansion, Vampire: The Masquerade - Rivals ( 4) - Brettspill fra Outland
MerkeRenegade Game Studios