Privileges Expansion, Faiyum ( 1) - Brettspill fra Outland

Privileges Expansion, Faiyum ( 1) - Brettspill fra Outland

With the new privileges gain onetime and permanent advantages to do even more for the good of Faiyum. This first expansion for Faiyum offers privileges, that you keep separate from the cards in your hand. The permanent effects change or add to the effects of your action cards, while onetime effects usually offer actions you c......
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With the new privileges gain onetime and permanent advantages to do even more for the good of Faiyum. This first expansion for Faiyum offers privileges, that you keep separate from the cards in your hand. The permanent effects change or add to the effects of your action cards, while onetime effects usually offer actions you can use once in addition during your turns. —description from the publisher Husk kortlommer (sleeves)! Ta vare på kortene som følger med i dette spillet! Vi anbefaler at kortene legges i kortlommer for å redusere slitasje, samt gjøre stokkingen lettere! Nedenfor ser du kortlommene vi anbefaler til dette spillet:1 stk: Paladin Gawain Board Game Sleeves 57x89 mm (55)


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