Thompson Neil Promoting Equality
Ovid Metamorphoses (0141394617)
Arnaldur Indriðason Jenta ved broen (8202662761)
McDermott James The Third Voyage of Martin Frobisher to Baffin Island 1578
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Bowen Natasha K. Structural Equation Modeling
Ruhs Martin The Price of Rights
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Saunders Tim The Light Division in the Peninsular War 1811-1814
Maze Robert The Webley Service Revolver
LaPorte Danielle How to Be Loving: The Journal
Kelly John The Twilight of World Trotskyism
Eng Helene Den krevende foreldrerollen
Verhofstadt Guy Europe's Last Chance
Dillon Matthew Religion and Classical Warfare: Archaic and Classical Greece
Turvey Brent E. Criminal Profiling
Olsen Terje Unge og medvirkning
Miliband Ralph State in Capitalist Society
Spracklen Karl Critical Event Studies
Sheehan Neil Bright Shining Lie
Foot M. R. D. Soe in the Low Countries
Skille Eivind Å. Folkehelse : en tverrfaglig grunnbok
Cagaptay Soner Erdogan's Empire
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Andrich David A Course in Rasch Measurement Theory
Furre Berge Norsk historie 1914-2000
Brady Bernadine Mentoring for Young People in Care and Leaving Care
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Snowden Frank M. Epidemics and Society
Shetty, Jay Tænk som en munk
Merry SE Gender Violence – A Cultural Perspective
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Bojs Karin Min europeiske familie
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Dyregrov Atle Sosial nettverksstøtte ved brå død
Penner James McCoubrey & White's Textbook on Jurisprudence
Candea Matei Schools and Styles of Anthropological Theory
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Alliez, Éric Wars and Capital
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Lynch Michael Access to History for the IB Diploma: Authoritarian states Second Edition
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Palmer Stephen Handbook of Coaching Psychology
Coleman P The Handbook of Conflict Resolution – Theory and Practice 3e
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Spring Laurence The Battle of the White Mountain 1620 and the Bohemian Revolt 1618-1622
Hinds Gareth The Odyssey
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Schenk Catherine R. International Economic Relations Since 1945
Harry I skyggen
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ART Stelter Reinhard The Art of Dialogue in Coaching
Ikenberry G. John Liberal Leviathan
Kvangraven Endre Harvold Ulv i det norske kulturlandskapet
Roland Erling Mobbingens psykologi
Ball Simon Secret History
Mathismoen Ole Trettitre norske trær og hva de har vært vitne til
Featherstone Brid Re-imagining Child Protection
Rose Nikolas The Urban Brain
Dean Jodi Democracy and Other Neoliberal Fantasies
ART Nathan Patrick Image Control: Art Fascism and the Right to Resist
Gray Kishonna L. Woke Gaming
Pontoppidan Christina Retorikkens hemmelige steder
Marquardt Felix New Nomads
Phythian Mark Understanding the Intelligence Cycle
Rittberger Volker International Organization
Honneth Axel Kamp om anerkendelse
Farber Matthew Gamify Your Classroom
Kennedy Fiona Integrating CBT and Third Wave Therapies
Bradbury Ray Home To Stay!
Harms Robert Land of Tears
Sandler, Michael The Automatic Writing Experience
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Orning Hans Jacob En kort introduksjon til Norge i høymiddelalderen
Fei Xiaotong From the Soil
Joseph William A. Politics in China
Cato On Agriculture (0674993136)
Dahl Øyvind Møter mellom mennesker
Blackwood, Danielle The Twelve Faces of the Goddess
Kenny, A An Illustrated Brief History of Western Philosophy , 20th Anniversary Edition, Third Edition
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Warrior Valerie M. Roman Religion
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Amadou Christine hva er antikken
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Buchanan Ben The Cybersecurity Dilemma
Tomalin Claire Young H.G. Wells
Suvorov Viktor Spetsnaz: The Inside Story of the Soviet Special Forces
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Rongved Gjermund Forfang Totalforsvaret i praksis
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Buckingham Susan Gender and Environment
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Posner Gerald Pharma: Greed Lies and the Poisoning of America
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Watt Nigel Burundi
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Irigaray, Luce Through Vegetal Being
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von Franz Marie-Louise The Interpretation of Fairy Tales
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Webster, John The Oxford Handbook of Systematic Theology
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Rogers Michaela An A-Z of Social Work Skills
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Prenger Kevin A Judge in Auschwitz
Paine Lincoln The Sea and Civilization
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Lomell Heidi Mork Kriminologi
Dürrfeld Peter Beethoven
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Maudlin, Tim Philosophy of Physics
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Kite Mary E. Psychology of Prejudice and Discrimination
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Byrd James P. A Holy Baptism of Fire and Blood
Pappe Ilan Israel and South Africa
Crowther, Paul The Phenomenology of Aesthetic Consciousness and Phantasy
Baggini Julian The Great Guide
Gerring John Social Science Methodology
Knepper, Timothy Philosophies of Religion
Baumer Christoph History of the Caucasus
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Batra Satish C Meeting Mr. Shelley
Johnson Susan M. The Practice of Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy
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Mooney, Thorn The Witch's Path
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Annand, Naomi Yoga for Motherhood
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Comer, John Mark Live No Lies: Recognize and Resist the Three Enemies That Sabotage Your Peace
Aristoteles Retorikk
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Yuill Chris Sociology for Social Work
Harari Yuval Noah Sapiens
Emdin Christopher For White Folks Who Teach in the Hood... and the Rest of Y'all Too
Chiaramonte Alessandro The Deinstitutionalization of Western European Party Systems
Kiernan Ben Blood and Soil
Malnes, Raino Politisk filosofi
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Menon Rajan Conflict in Ukraine
Du Gay Paul For Public Service
Acemoglu Daron Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power Prosperity and Poverty
Tabb, Brian J. Five Views of Christ in the Old Testament
Hustad Jon Farvel Norge
Bozalek Vivienne Post-Anthropocentric Social Work
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Narang Vipin The Fragile Balance of Terror
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Sussman Jeffrey Sin City Gangsters
Hoppe Hans-Hermann Democracy – The God That Failed
Taylor Charles The Explanation of Behaviour
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Tuuk Luit van der Katla; en vikingkvinnes usedvanlige sjøreise
Brennecka Greg Impact: How Rocks from Space Led to Life Culture and Donkey Kong
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Diefenbach Thomas The Democratic Organisation
Kehily Mary Jane Introduction to Childhood Studies
Friedlander, John Psychic Psychology
Stern, David G. Wittgenstein: Lectures, Cambridge 1930–1933
Kearney, Richard The Continental Philosophy Reader
O'Rourke P. J. On The Wealth of Nations
Massumi, Brian Couplets
Tanner, Kathryn Christianity and the New Spirit of Capitalism
Anstead Nick What Do We Know and What Should We Do About Fake News?
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Gotved, Gudrun V. Vølvekraft og Runekunst
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Appiah, Kwame Anthony The Ethics of Identity
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ART Mulgan Geoff The Art of Public Strategy
Quash, S Christian Ethics – An Introductory Reader
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Newing Helen Conducting Research in Conservation
Redfern Nick How Antigravity Built the Pyramids
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Silke Andrew Routledge Handbook of Terrorism and Counterterrorism
TallBear Kim Native American DNA
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Goode Erich Deviant Behavior
Hoang Kimberly Kay Spiderweb Capitalism
Luvaas Brent The Anthropology of Dress and Fashion
Klagsbrun Francine Lioness: Golda Meir and the Nation of Israel
Knutsen Oddbjorn Nordic Models in Political Science
O'Malley, John W. Trent
Annand, Naomi Yoga: A Manual for Life
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Barnett Hilaire Children's Rights and the Law
Leonnig Carol Zero Fail: The Rise and Fall of the Secret Service
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Bartholomew, Craig G. The Old Testament and God
Giffort Danielle Acid Revival
Halvorsen Knut Velferd
Waltke, Bruce K. An Old Testament Theology
Frendo, Anthony J. Approaching Biblical Archaeology
Clark Gregory A Farewell to Alms
Friedman, Benjamin M. Religion and the Rise of Capitalism
Macias Teresa Unravelling Research
Mulhall, S Liberals and Communitarians 2e
Gråwe Rolf W. Kombinerte tiltak for personer med rusproblemer
Guba David A. Taming Cannabis
Nairn, Rob From Mindfulness to Insight
Maimonide, Magnus Vind over vanerne
Hegel, G.W.F. Rettsfilosofien
Deleuze, Gilles Desert Islands
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