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Wawro Geoffrey The Austro-Prussian War
Mitchell Andrew Beyond A Fringe
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Alderton Dolly Alt jeg vet om kjærlighet
Tesla Nikola Inventions Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla
McCloskey Deirdre Nansen Leave Me Alone and I'll Make You Rich
Marshall Tim Divided
Puckette Madeline Wine Folly: The Essential Guide to Wine
Carradice Phil The Welsh Braveheart
Bachrach Bernard S. Warfare in Medieval Europe c.400-c.1453
Gardner Leigh The Economic History of Colonialism
Meacham Jon His Truth Is Marching On
Harding Luke Invasion
Quintano Kristina Budbringeren fra helvete
Choksi Mansi Newlyweds
Roche Helen The Third Reich's Elite Schools
Bandehy Lily Kvinner i Islam
Graesser Laura Foundations of Deep Reinforcement Learning
Vincent Gabrielson Vincent Private Associations and the Public Sphere
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Jordheim Helge Politisk frihet
Wheelan Joseph Bitter Peleliu
Freeman Joan Gifted Lives
Sundt Hege Fosterhjemshåndboka
Assmann Aleida Cultural Memory and Western Civilization
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Skagen Kaj Norge vårt Norge
Koselleck Reinhart Futures Past
Bean Anita The Vegan Athlete's Cookbook
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Shiva Vandana Terra Viva
Tugendhat Christopher The Worm in the Apple
Melton James Van Horn The Rise of the Public in Enlightenment Europe
Westrheim Kariane Kunnskapsbasert straffegjennomføring i kriminalomsorgen i Norge
Fredman Glenda Collaborative Consultation in Mental Health
Jaouad Suleika Between Two Kingdoms: A Memoir of a Life Interrupted
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Todal Per Anders Havlandet; historia om hava som skapte Noreg
Gasper Michael Mentoring and Coaching in Early Childhood Education
von Clausewitz Carl On War
Dennis Oliver Tiger I German Army Heavy Tank
Dørum Knut Hans Nielsen Hauge
Ernaux Annie Årene
Solnit Rebecca Infinite City
Rotberg Robert I. Overcoming the Oppressors
Nørgaard Ulla Varnke Egeskov og Helle Regan Vest
Martinsen Kåre Dahl Økonomisk krigføring
Schneider Jane Italy's 'Southern Question'
Bolton Ronan Making Energy Markets
Gilje Nils Samfundsvidenskabernes forudsætninger
Sandberg Sveinung Gatekapital
Lian Olaug S. Når helse blir en vare
Burkert W Greek Religion – Archaic and Classical
Lindberg C The European Reformations Sourcebook 2e
Shaw Tony SAS South Georgia Boating Club
Churchill Sir Winston S. A History of the English-Speaking Peoples Volume I
Riley Jason L. Maverick
Smilden Jan-Erik En kort introduksjon til Det osmanske riket
McCaffree Kevin Cultural Evolution
Taubman Prof. William Gorbachev
Jasanoff Sheila Dreamscapes of Modernity
Rossavik Frank Blant republikanere
Larsen Thomas De dybeste rødder
Pindyck Robert S. Climate Future
Sullivan Nicholas The Blue Revolution
Grundmann Reiner Making Sense of Expertise
Newell Peter Power Shift
Jaklin Asbjørn De dødsdømte
Bident Christophe Maurice Blanchot
Kirtzman Andrew Giuliani
Beebe Sarah Miller Cases in Intelligence Analysis
Tunstall Graydon A. The Austro-Hungarian Army and the First World War
Confidence Man
Toulmé Fabien Hakim’s Odyssey
Giridharadas Anand The Persuaders
Jünger Ernst A German Officer in Occupied Paris
Jackson Gavin Money in One Lesson
Iggers Georg G. Historiography in the Twentieth Century
Gramsci Antonio Prison Notebooks
Smith Kevin B. The Public Policy Theory Primer
Anderson Thomas Panzer IV
Belasco Warren Food
Dubow Saul Apartheid 1948-1994
Ringvej Mona En pokkers skrivesyge
Shapiro Harry Fierce Chemistry
Pantucci Raffaello Sinostan
Perring Dominic London in the Roman World
Krause Monika Model Cases
Woods Michael Rural
Constantine Susannah Ready For Absolutely Nothing
Schjølberg Adam Mannual : det jeg og andre menn tenker men ikke sier
Scott Norman An Accidental Icon
Mantoni Tue Samfundskontrakten
Melve Leidulf Historikerens arbeidsmåter
Rundell Katherine The Golden Mole
Kassenova Togzhan Atomic Steppe
Ellison D. Hank Handbook of Chemical and Biological Warfare Agents Volume 1
Reuth Ralf Georg Hitler's Tyranny
Anheier Helmut K. Nonprofit Organizations
Cheney-Lippold John We Are Data
Rich Dave Everyday Hate
Broadley Fiona Supporting Life Skills for Young Children with Vision Impairment and Other Disabilities
Nugent Paul Africa since Independence
Brown Rosemary J Following Nellie Bly
Janney Caroline E. Remembering the Civil War
B&W Du Bois W. E. B. W. E. B. Du Bois: International Thought
Newdick Thomas German Bomber Aircraft of World War II
Nicaso Antonio Organized Crime
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Agger Anders Kærlighed
Younis Musab On the Scale of the World
Sørensen Øystein Demokratisk beredskap
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Costa Olivier How the EU Really Works
Wright Alex Cataloging the World
Horstbøll Henrik Grov Konfækt
Bacchi Carol Poststructural Policy Analysis
Tilley Christopher Handbook of Material Culture
Nedkvitne Arnved Ære lov og religion i Norge gjennom tusen år
Ugwudike Pamela The Routledge Companion to Rehabilitative Work in Criminal Justice
Beaulieu PA A History of Babylon
Melli Aleksander Hvordan bli italiener
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Fromm M. Gerard Traveling through Time
McInerney Jeremy Greece in the Ancient World
ART Sunzi The art of war: Sun Zis krigskunst
Poulsen Thomas Kofoed Russertiden - De sidste vidner - Bornholm 1945/1946
Hellyer Robert Green with Milk and Sugar
Tomala Magdalena Public Policy and the Impact of COVID-19 in Europe
Promise Bush RAB The Promise of Mediation – The Transformative Approach to Conflict Revised
Fiske John Introduction to Communication Studies
Ellingsen Ingunn Tollisen Barnevernets brennpunkt
Marçal Katrine Oppfinnelsens mor
Wilson Peter H. The Holy Roman Empire
Einstein Albert Relativity
Katz Elihu Personal Influence
Melve Leidulf Ei verd i endring
Whitehouse Harvey The Ritual Animal
Larson Kate Clifford Walk with Me
Laqueur Thomas Making Sex
Scott Jasper Scott Russian Cyber Operations
Stringer Ernest T. Action Research
McHenry Bill What Therapists Say and Why They Say It
Rooij Benjamin van The Behavioral Code
Garrett Laurie The Coming Plague: Newly Emerging Diseases in a World Out of Balance
Knighton David Fluvial Forms and Processes
Liedman Sven-Eric Den moderne verdens idéhistorie
Toska Vegard N. Hordaland i krig; krigsåret 1940 sett fra den tyske siden
Smith Adrian Mountbatten
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Holst Cathrine Hva er feminisme
Gibson Michael Paper Belt on Fire
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Amy Helen The Austen Girls
Gillam Carey The Monsanto Papers
Eichengreen Barry The European Economy Since 1945
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Autesserre Severine The Frontlines of Peace
Grande Heidi B. Psykisk helsevern fra oss som kjenner det
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Kandel Eric There Is Life After the Nobel Prize
Bynum Caroline Dissimilar Similitudes – Devotional Objects in Late Medieval Europe
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Hacking Ian Historical Ontology
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Muncie John Youth and Crime
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Lenaerts Koen EU Constitutional Law
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Weigård Jarle Kommunikativ handling og deliberativt demokrati
Kolloen Ingar Sletten Under krigen: vi må ikke falle
Possing Birgitte Ind i biografien
Behar Ruth The Vulnerable Observer
Blom Ida Kvinner i den vestlige verden fra år 1500 til i dag
Lehr Dick White Hot Hate: A True Story of Domestic Terrorism in America's Heartland
Karam Jeffrey G. The Lebanon Uprising of 2019
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DeLonge Tom Sekret Machines: Gods
Camp John M. The Archaeology of Athens
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Keay John Himalaya
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Seierstad Åsne Afghanerne
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Page Susan Madam Speaker: Nancy Pelosi and the Lessons of Power
Dimond Frances Queen Alexandra
Xenophon Memorabilia. Oeconomicus. Symposium. Apology
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Angstrom Jan Contemporary Military Theory
Dale Iain The Presidents
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Berry Harry Rovers Till I Die
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Takahashi, Rumiko Inuyasha (VIZBIG Edition), Vol. 15 (1421532948)
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Maier Charles S. Recasting Bourgeois Europe
Landevåg Silje Våge vinne og vokse: en lidenskapelig gründerhistorie
Shapin Steven Leviathan and the Air-Pump
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Stanciu Cristina The Makings and Unmakings of Americans
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Storeide Anette H. Norske krigsprofitører
Gill P Intelligence in An Insecure World 3e
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Haven Mathias Kjærlighet i Minnesota
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Olstad Finn En historie om Arbeiderpartiet
Bellamy Jennifer L. Social Work Practice with Fathers
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Taylor Brian J. Decision Making Assessment and Risk in Social Work
Hershman Tania On This Day She
Dunn Nick Rethinking Darkness
Andrews Helen Boomers
Gowdy John M. Ultrasocial
Finn Mike Debating Anarchism
Scarre Chris Ancient Civilizations
Bratholm Eva 1968: året da kjærligheten blomstret og verden sto i brann
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Jan Thomas Jeg har levd!
Zabar Lori Zabar's
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Overy Richard The Inter-War Crisis
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Field Andrew W. The French at Waterloo: Eyewitness Accounts
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