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Warren Stuart Workbook for Organic Synthesis: The Disconnection Approach
BSA A50 & A65 Twins
Steiner Erich The Chemistry Maths Book
Vershynin Roman High-Dimensional Probability
Schavemaker P Electrical Power System Essentials 2e
Spivak Michael Calculus
Hoang Lê Nguyên The Equation of Knowledge
Haugen Finn Praktisk reguleringsteknikk
Selstø Sølve Praktisk introduksjon til numeriske metodar
Bramness Jørgen G. Hva jeg snakker om når jeg snakker om forskning
Asdal Kristin Hvordan gjøre dokumentanalyse : en praksisorientert metode
Mason John Å lære algebraisk tenkning
Falk Donald A. Foundations of Restoration Ecology
Porter Richard Birds of Oman
Shaw Julia Bi
Von Humboldt Alexander Views of Nature
Clandinin D. Jean Engaging in Narrative Inquiry
Thaler Richard H. Nudge
Renstrøm Reidun Innføring i fysikk
Zdyb Agata Third Generation Solar Cells
Befring Edvard Sentrale forskningsmetoder - med etikk og statistikk
Hessen Dag O. Sannhet til salgs
McNiff Jean Action Research
Peterson Martin An Introduction to Decision Theory
Kanatani Kenichi 3D Rotations
Foerster Heinz von The Beginning of Heaven and Earth Has No Name
Gergen Kenneth J. An Invitation to Social Construction
Ille Sebastian Models of Society and Complex Systems
Pandeli Jenna Organizational Ethnography
Asmar Nakhlé H. Complex Analysis with Applications
Kaiser David Lectures Of Sidney Coleman On Quantum Field Theory: Foreword By David Kaiser
Attenborough David Life on Earth
Priestley H. A. Introduction to Complex Analysis
Klöpffer W Life Cycle Assessment
Lepš Jan Biostatistics with R
Grimmett Geoffrey Probability and Random Processes
Schubotz Dirk Participatory Research
Pashley RM Applied Colloid and Surface Chemistry 2e
Wilson Edward O. E. O. Wilson: Biophilia The Diversity Of Life Naturalist
Chechik Victor Electron Paramagnetic Resonance
Madsen Søren Obed Implementering
Hartl Daniel L. A Primer of Population Genetics and Genomics
Moss B Ecology of Freshwaters – Earth's Bloodstream Fifth Edition
Booth Andrew Systematic Approaches to a Successful Literature Review
Shackelford Jole An Introduction to the History of Chronobiology Volume 2
Benenti Giuliano Principles Of Quantum Computation And Information: A Comprehensive Textbook
Smethurst Dr Becky A Brief History of Black Holes
Meeren Gro I. van der Krabben
Behe Michael J. Darwin Devolves: The New Science About DNA That Challenges Evolution
Riessman Catherine Kohler Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences
Ringdal Kristen Lær deg Stata
Massy Charles Call of the Reed Warbler
Bard AB Electrochemical Methods: Fundamentals and Applications 3e
Culey Sean A. Transition Point: From Steam to the Singularity
Huang Francis L. Practical Multilevel Modeling Using R
Carslaw Ken S. Aerosols and Climate
McKillup Steve Statistics Explained
Izen Marianne Eduqas Biology for A Level Year 1AS Student Book: 2nd Edition
Monk Paul Maths for Chemistry
Meadows Donella Limits to Growth
Abdelrahman Hanan M. Mattehjelperen
Hastie Trevor The Elements of Statistical Learning
Evans Lawrence Craig Measure Theory and Fine Properties of Functions Revised Edition
Bat Roosts in Rock
Turner II B. L. The Anthropocene
Tester Jefferson W. Sustainable Energy
Bosch Torie
Reddy J. N. Principles of Continuum Mechanics
Wink M An Introduction to Molecular Biotechnology – Fundamentals Methods and Applications 3e
Pearman Mark Field Guide to the Birds of Argentina and the Southwest Atlantic
Freemantle Michael The Chemists' War
Marris Emma Wild Souls
Wiersma Yolanda F. Experimental Landscape Ecology
Keller Warren A. Inside PixInsight
Tuxen Mikkel Vuorela og Johanne Pontoppidan Naturvidenskaben genfortalt
Helbæk Morten Statistikk; kort og godt
Cowles Henry M. The Scientific Method
Benton M Cowen's History of Life 6e
Feynman Richard Feynman Lectures On Gravitation
Thoresen Carl Port Designer's Handbook Fourth edition
Mendelson Elliott Schaum's 3000 Solved Problems in Calculus
Zangwill Andrew Modern Electrodynamics
Hirons A Applied Tree Biology
Schilling Govert The Elephant in the Universe
Essential Foods Kennett Malcolm P. Essential Statistical Physics
Garrigues Richard Birds of Costa Rica
Mersini-Houghton Laura Before the Big Bang
Oseid Kelsey What We See in the Stars
Strachan Tom Human Molecular Genetics
Grinspoon David Earth in Human Hands: Shaping Our Planet's Future
Skaggs Gary Edward Test Development and Validation
Buxton Jayne The Great Plant-Based Con
Reed Rob Practical Skills in Biomolecular Science
Kymre Ingjerd Gåre Humanistiske forskningstilnærminger til profesjonspraksis
Walliman Nicholas Research Methods
Ferrar Jonathan Excellence in People Analytics
Saha Amit Doing Math with Python
Stillwell John Naive Lie Theory
Karlsson Bengt Samarbeidsbasert forskning
Rubinstein Michael Polymer Physics
Poulos Christopher N. Essentials of Autoethnography
Gorman Gerard The Wryneck
Çolak Alper H. Ancient Woods Trees and Forests
Beer Paul Supramolecular Chemistry
Rae Alasdair Applied Data Analysis for Urban Planning and Management
McHughen Alan DNA Demystified
Heinrich Bernd Bumblebee Economics
Rizzo Maria L. Statistical Computing with R Second Edition
Taylor Carole Astrology
Smith Gary The AI Delusion
Cohen Mike X MATLAB for Brain and Cognitive Scientists
Sell Charles S The Chemistry of Fragrances
Chvátal Vašek The Discrete Mathematical Charms of Paul Erdos
Smallshire Dave Europe's Dragonflies
Fleisch Daniel A. A Student's Guide to Vectors and Tensors
Walker J Flying Circus of Physics 2e
Mobus George E. Principles of Systems Science
Ince Robin The Importance of Being Interested
Brenner Michael Science and Cooking
Zee A. Einstein Gravity in a Nutshell
Lindstrøm Tom L. Flervariabel analyse med lineær algebra
Mills Melinda Introducing Survival and Event History Analysis
Bogatin Eric Signal and Power Integrity - Simplified
Stein Elias M. Complex Analysis
Terry Gareth Essentials of Thematic Analysis
Goswami Amit Physics of the Soul
Grigg Gordon Biology and Evolution of Crocodylians
Brezonik Patrick L. Water Chemistry
Lantz Lorne Mastering Blockchain
Willig Carla Introducing Qualitative Research in Psychology
Goulson Dave Silent Earth: Averting the Insect Apocalypse
Irving Miles The Forager Handbook
Hinds W Aerosol Technology: Properties Behavior and Measurement of Airborne Particles 3rd Edition
Devaney Robert L. An Introduction To Chaotic Dynamical Systems
Bell Graham The Organizational Resilience Handbook
Carsey Thomas M. Monte Carlo Simulation and Resampling Methods for Social Science
RHS What Plant Where Encyclopedia
Garmin Nilsson Nils J. The Quest for Artificial Intelligence
Taylor SJ Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods – A Guidebook and Resource 4e
Kirk Andy Data Visualisation
Croft Darin A. Horned Armadillos and Rafting Monkeys
Brunton Steven L. Data-Driven Science and Engineering
Cockell Charles S. Taxi from Another Planet
Schwartz Matthew D. Quantum Field Theory and the Standard Model
Martin Osvaldo A. Bayesian Modeling and Computation in Python
Stein Elias M. Real Analysis
Scott Tremaine Scott Dynamics of Planetary Systems
Whyman Matt Our planet; vårt utrolige hjem
McCleery Robert Methods for Ecological Research on Terrestrial Small Mammals
Sédir Paul Occult Botany
Furneaux N Investigating Cryptocurrencies – Understanding Extracting and Analyzing Blockchain Evidence
Inskipp Carol Birds of Bhutan and the Eastern Himalayas
Aranda Kay Critical Qualitative Health Research
Gobo Giampietro Doing Ethnography
Twidell John Renewable Energy Resources
Bazeley Pat Qualitative Data Analysis
Ashby Simon Fundamentals of Operational Risk Management
Philips Leigh Austerity Ecology & the Collapse–porn Addicts – A defence of growth progress industry and stuff
Sivaram Varun Taming the Sun
Rees-Warren Matt The Ecological Gardener
Thoresen Lisbeth Fenomenologi i helsefaglig forskning
CCPS Layer of Protection Analysis – Simplified Process Risk Assessment
Silverman David Qualitative Research
Diana Carla My Robot Gets Me
Joseph Christopher How to Measure Anything
DeWitt R Worldviews – An Introduction to the History and Philosophy of Science 3rd Edition
Aven Terje Risikostyring
Joe Harry Dependence Modeling with Copulas
Marsh Stephanie User Research
Watson Saleem Algebra and Trigonometry
Fasting Merete Lund Å forske blant barn
Bratlie Sigrid Fremtidsmennesket
Thomassen Bjørn Liminality and the Modern
Warakagoda Deepal Birds of Sri Lanka
Oates Briony J Researching Information Systems and Computing
Carlier Guillaume Classical And Modern Optimization
Capon Brian Botany for Gardeners Fourth Edition: An Introduction to the Science of Plants
Housecroft Catherine Inorganic Chemistry
Petersen Jens H. The Kingdom of Fungi
Anslyn Eric V. Modern Physical Organic Chemistry
Arnold Steven Radio and Radar Astronomy Projects for Beginners
Lolli Gabriele The Meaning of Proofs
Kozinets Robert Netnography
O'Reilly Karen Ethnographic Methods
Hambler Clive Conservation
Montgomery David R. Dirt
Cox Professor Brian Black Holes
Scott Butterfield H Scott Rewilding Agricultural Landscapes
Hari Johann Stjålet fokus; hvorfor du ikke klarer å følge med og hvordan du skal klare å konsentrere deg igjen
Bjørnestad Øistein Alfa. Lærebok
Lowen James British Moths
Green Simon F. An Introduction to the Sun and Stars
Organtini Giovanni Physics Experiments with Arduino and Smartphones
Zee A. Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell
Lane Nick Transformer
Becker Katrin String Theory and M-Theory
Rose Sarah Spiders of North America
Hill Christian Learning Scientific Programming with Python
Yunger Halpern Nicole Quantum Steampunk
Egerstedt Magnus Robot Ecology
Essential Foods Van Verth James M. Essential Mathematics for Games and Interactive Applications
Jazar Reza N. Vehicle Dynamics
Otto Sarah P. A Biologist's Guide to Mathematical Modeling in Ecology and Evolution
Lönn-Stensrud Jessica Bakterienes forunderlige verden
Rogel-Salazar Jesus Statistics and Data Visualisation with Python
Williams Mark The Cosmic Oasis
Frost Nollaig Qualitative Research Methods in Psychology: Combining Core Approaches 2e
MacKenzie W.S. Rocks and Minerals in Thin Section
Springgay Stephanie Walking Methodologies in a More-than-human World
Brusatte Steve The Rise and Reign of the Mammals: A New History from the Shadow of the Dinosaurs to Us
Sievert Carson Interactive Web-Based Data Visualization with R plotly and shiny
Bryson Bill A Really Short History of Nearly Everything
Skov Annette K. Nielsen i samarbejde med Leonora Christina Med på en lytter
Holland Phil Common and Spotted Sandpipers
Reid Miles Geometry and Topology
Stillwell John Algebraic Number Theory for Beginners
Mahoney James Advances in Comparative-Historical Analysis
Traunspurger Walter Ecology of Freshwater Nematodes
Gulbrandsen Martin G. Matematikk for ingeniørfag
Mann Nick The Elements
Menczer Filippo A First Course in Network Science
Girvin Steven M. Modern Condensed Matter Physics
Boyce W Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Val ue Problems Twelfth Edition International Adaptat ion
Kochenderfer Mykel J. Algorithms for Optimization
Korosteleva Olga Stochastic Processes with R
Mauseth James D. Botany: An Introduction To Plant Biology
Hsu Hwei Schaum's Outline of Probability Random Variables and Random Processes Fourth Edition
Wormser Owen Lawns Into Meadows 2nd Edition
Golden James The View from Federal Twist
Clarke Adele E. Situational Analysis in Practice
Walløe Terje Alsvik Værjournalen. 3-årig loggbok
Hand Louis N. Analytical Mechanics
Abrams Peter A. Competition Theory in Ecology
Alcamo I. Edward Schaum's Outline of Microbiology Second Edition
Cook Matt Sleight of Mind
ART Friedman Art Quantum Mechanics
Dalen Monica Intervju som forskningsmetode
Evans Ianto The Hand-Sculpted House
Mabberley David J. Mabberley's Plant-book
Gardner Chris Wild Edens
Zwiebach Barton A First Course in String Theory
Garcia-del-Rey Eduardo Birds of the Canary Islands
Powers Matt The Permaculture Student 2 - the Textbook 3rd Edition [Hardcover]
Zill Dennis A First Course in Differential Equations with Modeling Applications International Metric Edition
Hsieh Ke Chiang Neutral-atom Astronomy: Plasma Diagnostics From The Aurora To The Interstellar Medium
Dyson J.E. The Physics of the Interstellar Medium
Zinsser Nate The Confident Mind: A Battle-Tested Guide to Unshakable Performance
Banchoff Thomas F. Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces
Hammersley Martyn Ethnography
Gerring John Case Study Research
Forening Dansk Botanisk Atlas Flora Danica
Pearson Dan Tokachi Millennium Forest
Stengel Robert F. Flight Dynamics
Muka Samantha Oceans under Glass
Goudie AS Human Impact on the Natural Environment – Past Present and Future 8e
Bjørndal Arild Kunnskapshåndtering i medisin og helsefag
Egger M Systematic Reviews in Health Research: Meta–Analysis in Context 3rd Edition
Field Andy How to Design and Report Experiments
Petsko Gregory A. Protein Structure and Function
Hanlon Robert T. Block by Block: The Historical and Theoretical Foundations of Thermodynamics
Cocker Mark Birds Britannica
Soltis Douglas E. Phylogeny and Evolution of the Angiosperms
Williams Tony D. What Is a Bird?
Crowe Jonathan Chemistry for the Biosciences
Toth Gabor Elements of Mathematics
Kingdon Jonathan The Kingdon Field Guide to African Mammals
Brazil Mark Birds of Japan
Smil Vaclav Power Density
Carlet Claude Boolean Functions for Cryptography and Coding Theory
Hessen Dag O. Verden på vippepunktet; hvor ille kan det bli?
Nilssen Lars Ørret; en beretning om hvordan kunstig befruktning utenlandske gener og naiv drif
Machi Lawrence A. The Literature Review
Whittaker E. T. A Course of Modern Analysis
Umansky Jeremy Koji Alchemy
Karelas Andreas Climate Courage
Campbell MJ Statistics at Square One 12th Edition
Flick Uwe Introducing Research Methodology
Fleisch Daniel A Student's Guide to Waves
Johnsen Hans Chr. Garmann Hva er innovasjon?
Lawvere F. William Sets for Mathematics
Will Clifford M. Is Einstein Still Right?
Chalmers Alan What is This Thing Called Science?
Carroll Sean The Biggest Ideas in the Universe: Space Time and Motion
Cockell CS Astrobiology – Understanding Life in the Universe Second Edition
Arctic McElwain Jennifer Tropical Arctic
Nassauer Anne Video Data Analysis
Ingemann Jan Holm Kvalitative undersøgelser i praksis
Gamelin Theodore W. Complex Analysis
Adu Philip A Step-by-Step Guide to Qualitative Data Coding
Irgens Fridtjov Fasthetslære
Kahneman Daniel AT TÆNKE - hurtigt og langsomt
Moffett Mark W. Adventures Among Ants
Stewart Ian Galois Theory
Klein Cornelis Earth Materials
Butcher Paul Seven Concurrency Models in Seven Weeks
Wolpert Lewis Principles of Development
Yockey Ronald D. SPSS Demystified
Lawler Gregory F. Introduction to Stochastic Processes
LaPierre Ray Introduction to Quantum Computing
von Neumann John Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics
Stanwix William The Hempcrete Book
Peake Stephen Renewable Energy
Moore Gary Haematology
Davies Martin Brett Doing a Successful Research Project
Bongard Terje Det biologiske mennesket: individer og samfunn i lys av evolusjon
Hart Chris Doing Your Masters Dissertation
Youngblood Jackson Alecia Thinking with Theory in Qualitative Research
Ashby Michael F. Materials and Sustainable Development
Woodward Lyndon A First Course in Differential Geometry
Drysdale D An Introduction to Fire Dynamics 3e
Junghenn Hugo D. Principles of Analysis
Tjønndal Anne Statistisk analyse i Stata
Jr Robert Kingwill Elliott Essentials of Descriptive-Interpretive Qualitative Research
Dekker Sidney Compliance Capitalism
Fox John A Mathematical Primer for Social Statistics
Humphreys Rosalind K.
Frost Adam Communicating with Data Visualisation
Hennink Monique Qualitative Research Methods
Bowley Roger Introductory Statistical Mechanics
Mitcham Carl Thinking through Technology
Mann Nick Molecules
Flicker Felix Magick of Matter
Pintelon R System Identification 2e – A Frequency Domain Approach
Lund Thorleif Forskningsprosessen
Sterling MJ Algebra I All–In–One For Dummies
McNiff Jean Action Research
Murphy Denis Photosynthetic Life
Mitchell Claudia Participatory Visual Methodologies
Deisenroth Marc Peter Mathematics for Machine Learning
Skilbrei May-Len Kvalitative metoder
Hawking Stephen Universe In A Nutshell
Sheldrake Merlin Svampenes forunderlige liv
Jones Brian Yearbook of Astronomy 2023
Lamont Christopher Research Methods in International Relations
Davie Peter J. F. Crabs
Soutsos Marios Construction Materials
Dimopoulos Konstantinos Introduction to Cosmic Inflation and Dark Energy
HP Williams HP Model Building in Mathematical Programming 5e
Antonsen Roger Logiske metoder
Strømme Espen Sørmo Kokebok fra SKUP-kjøkkenet
Rusten Grete Grønn omstilling
Garson G. David Data Analytics for the Social Sciences
Stillwell John The Story of Proof
Mayo Deborah G. Statistical Inference as Severe Testing
Collinge Sharon K. Ecology of Fragmented Landscapes
Blackman A Aylward and Findlay's SI Chemical Data 7e
Smith Douglas W Yellowstone Wolves
Holgate Sharon Ann Understanding Solid State Physics
Deisenroth Marc Peter Mathematics for Machine Learning
Elgarøy Øystein Astronomi
Johnson Mark S. Understanding Risk to Wildlife from Exposures to Per- and Polyfluorinated Alkyl Substances
Lang Serge Algebra
Gonczarowski Yannai A. Mathematical Logic through Python
Bednarski Lukasz Lithium
Murphy Brian Oxford IB Diploma Programme: Chemistry Course Companion
Raven Peter ISE Biology
Everett Bob Energy Systems and Sustainability
Ash Avner Fearless Symmetry
Cordey Huw A Perfect Planet
Holliday Adrian Doing & Writing Qualitative Research
Fudenberg Drew Game Theory
Pollard Jeremy AQA A Level Physics
LeBlanc F An Introduction to Stellar Astrophysics
Halvorsen Knut Å forske på samfunnet
Denicolo Pam Developing Research Proposals
Bainbridge David Paleontology
Drexler K. Eric Radical Abundance
Stimmel Carol L. Building Smart Cities
Dey Tamal Krishna Computational Topology for Data Analysis
Tymoczko John L. Biochemistry: A Short Course
Wright Stephen J. Optimization for Data Analysis
Sardet Éric Grasshoppers of Britain and Western Europe
Kiritsis Elias String Theory in a Nutshell
Morrison R Electricity – A Self–Teaching Guide
Dagg Anne Innis Giraffe
Schaub Michael Integrated Population Models
Hågvar Eline Benestad Det zoologiske mangfoldet
Hjemdal Line Henriette Fra sorte til grønne karboner
Fathauer Robert Tessellations
Ormrod Robert P. How to Structure a Thesis Report or Paper
Ferrandi École French Pâtisserie
Druckman James N. Advances in Experimental Political Science
Hughes Kahryn Qualitative Secondary Analysis
T. Bettinger Blaine The Family Tree Guide to DNA Testing and Genetic Genealogy
Ballentine Leslie E Quantum Mechanics: A Modern Development
Kessel Amit Introduction to Proteins
Sarmiento Jorge L. Ocean Biogeochemical Dynamics
Duffy Rosaleen Security and Conservation
Chomsky Aviva Is Science Enough?
Pressley A.N. Elementary Differential Geometry
McMurry John Fundamentals of General Organic and Biological Chemistry SI Edition + Mastering Chemistry with Pearson eText
Corbin Juliet Basics of Qualitative Research
Brusatte S Dinosaur Paleobiology
Munroe Randall What If?2
Scaddan Brian IET Wiring Regulations: Electric Wiring for Domestic Installers
Savin-Baden Maggi Research Methods for Education in the Digital Age
Philips Roger Mushrooms
Rogers Simon A First Course in Machine Learning
Marshall Worthing Derek Marshall and Worthing's The Construction of Houses
Lim Swee Cheng Problems And Solutions On Quantum Mechanics
Munroe Randall What If?: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions
Tahan Mary R. Roald Amundsen’s Sled Dogs
Kowalski Emmanuel An Introduction to Probabilistic Number Theory
Pallant Julie SPSS Survival Manual: A Step by Step Guide to Data Analysis using IBM SPSS
Salazar Juan Francisco Anthropologies and Futures
Scott Thomas Scott L. An Introduction to Multilevel Modeling Techniques
Thomas Gary How to Do Your Case Study
Strickler Dale Complete Guide to Restoring Your Soil
Ellis Richard S. When Galaxies Were Born
Hao Lingxin Quantile Regression
Gurnett Donald A. Introduction to Plasma Physics
Erichsen Frank Udsigt fra en malkeskammel
Lehmann Marco Complete Data Analysis Using R
Jenni Lukas The Biology of Moult in Birds
Schroeder Daniel V. An Introduction to Thermal Physics
Drori Iddo The Science of Deep Learning
Matias Cheryl E. The Handbook of Critical Theoretical Research Methods in Education
Shaw Ian The SAGE Handbook of Evaluation
Davidson Peter Turbulence
Clegg Daniel K. Calculus Metric Edition
Frick Tim Designing for Sustainability
Roberts Aki Multiple Regression
Jordan Dominic Mathematical Techniques
Martell Peter Flowers for Elephants
Clark John Drury Ignition!
Watkinson Sarah C. The Fungi
Fox Chris An Introduction to Evaluation
Davis Kathy Silences Neglected Feelings and Blind-Spots in Research Practice
Palmer Nigel The Regenerative Grower's Guide to Garden Amendments
Skiena Steven S. The Algorithm Design Manual
Solé Ricard Viruses as Complex Adaptive Systems
Siriwardena Aloysius NIroshan Prehospital Research Methods and Practice
Dominelli L Green Social Work – From Environmental Crises to Environmental Justice
Goodenough Anne Applied Ecology
Battiston Roberto First Dawn
Xie Yihui R Markdown Cookbook
Moore Colm Where to Watch Birds in Portugal the Azores & Madeira Archipelagos
Boundy Jeff Snakes of the World
Schnegg Michael Comparing Cultures
Berera Arjun Quantum Mechanics
Holmes Susan Modern Statistics for Modern Biology
Essential Foods McGavin George C. Essential Entomology
Faust James E. Cut Flowers and Foliages
Swann Patricia The Illustrated Guide to the Mass Communication Research Project
Ovaskainen Otso Joint Species Distribution Modelling
Williamson Ben Big Data in Education
Sharman Andrew From Accidents to Zero
Johannessen Kjell N. Teknisk termodynamikk med strømningslære
Fuglseth Kåre Innføring i praktisk kunnskap
Dahlen Pia Ve Verden under vann; en oppdagelsesreise i havet
Meadows Victoria Planetary Astrobiology
Smil Vaclav Invention and Innovation
Gelfand I.M. Algebra
Johnsen Anne Lene Hvordan fatte matte
Crymble Adam Technology and the Historian
Simmons Erica S. Rethinking Comparison
Cox Cameron The Solitary Bees
Krantz Steven G. Real Analysis and Foundations
Rennie Frank The Corncrake
Ohlson Kristin The Soil Will Save Us
Wilde Mark M. Quantum Information Theory
May Brian Bang!! 2
Osterbrock Donald E. Astrophysics of Gaseous Nebulae and Active Galactic Nuclei second edition
Button Graham Ethnomethodology Conversation Analysis and Constructive Analysis
Mackinlay Elizabeth Writing Feminist Autoethnography
Diamond Jared Den tredje sjimpansen
Williams Gareth Advanced Biology for You
Punch Keith F Introduction to Social Research
Smart Nigel Cryptography Made Simple
Bickel Peter J. Mathematical Statistics
Salmons Janet Doing Qualitative Research Online
Talagrand Michel What Is a Quantum Field Theory?
Daggett Cara New The Birth of Energy
Prialnik Dina An Introduction to the Theory of Stellar Structure and Evolution
Leblanc Michel-Antoine The Mind of the Horse
Gray Theodore Reactions
May J. P. More Concise Algebraic Topology
Manzo G Agent–based Models and Causal Inference
Garfinkel Harold Harold Garfinkel: Studies of Work in the Sciences
Flick Uwe Doing Interview Research
Lothe Jakob Research and Human Rights
McIntyre Lee The Scientific Attitude
Justesen Lise Qualitative Research Methods in Organisation Studies
Slaght Jonathan C. Owls of the Eastern Ice: A Quest to Find and Save the World's Largest Owl
Svensen Henrik Et land av stein: bergartene som har formet Norge
Drewitt Ed Urban Peregrines
Takemura Masaharu The Manga Guide To Molecular Biology
Sparks Ben AQA A Level Further Mathematics Core Year 1
Baines Chris RHS Companion to Wildlife Gardening
Salt Rachel Your Plastic Footprint: The Facts about Plastic and What You Can Do to Reduce Your Footprint
Grant Benjamin Overview Timelapse
Lin Thomas Alice and Bob Meet the Wall of Fire
van der Sleen Peter Field Guide to the Fishes of the Amazon Orinoco and Guianas
Snijders Tom A.B. Multilevel Analysis
Scheffer Marten Critical Transitions in Nature and Society
Cohen Jacob Applied Multiple Regression/Correlation Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences
Cofta Tomasz Flight Identification of European Passerines and Select Landbirds
Grimenes Arne Auen Rom stoff tid
Verma Rakesh M. Cybersecurity Analytics
Newton Isaac The Principia: The Authoritative Translation
Princeton Higham Nicholas J. The Princeton Companion to Applied Mathematics
Fryxell J Wildlife Ecology Conservation and Management 3e
Eden Medina Eden Cybernetic Revolutionaries
Jones Richard A.L. Soft Condensed Matter
Jensen Ulleberg Per Jensen & Inger Mellem ordene
Imai Kosuke Quantitative Social Science
Ritchie Stuart Science Fictions: How Fraud Bias Negligence and Hype Undermine the Search for Truth
Willmer P Environmental Physiology of Animals 2e
Forshall Beatrice The Book of Vanishing Species
Agresti Alan Foundations of Statistics for Data Scientists
Perovic Slobodan From Data to Quanta
Gibbons Jean Dickinson Nonparametric Statistical Inference
Mehmetoglu Mehmet Applied Statistics Using Stata
Cameron Kim Making the Impossible Possible: Leading Extraordinary Performance-the Rocky Flats Story
Flaherty Francis Riemannian Geometry
Bricmont Jean Making Sense of Statistical Mechanics
Bowen-Jones Michael Oxford IB Diploma Programme: IB Physics Print and Enhanced Online Course Book Pack
Weinberg Steven Lectures on Quantum Mechanics
Pridgeon Alec M. Genera Orchidacearum: Volume 1: Apostasioideae and Cypripedioideae
Farrimond Stuart The Science of Cooking
Brodo Irwin M. Lichens of North America
Ali Saleem H. Earthly Order
Houston Kevin How to Think Like a Mathematician
Polchinski Joseph String Theory: Volume 2 Superstring Theory and Beyond
Morrow Jordan Be Data Driven
Lee Bill Conducting Case Study Research for Business and Management Students
Røyne Anja Fysikk; enkelt forklart
Shankar V. Coulson and Richardson’s Chemical Engineering
Agresti Alan Foundations of Linear and Generalized Linear Models
Darwish Leila Earth Repair
Congdon Peter D. Bayesian Hierarchical Models
Johnston James M. Strategies and Tactics of Behavioral Research and Practice
Tjønndal Anne Digitale forskningsmetoder
Dawson Catherine A-Z of Digital Research Methods
Barresi Michael J.F. Developmental Biology
Laessoe Thomas Fungi of Temperate Europe
Upton Graham Measuring Abundance
Schmidt Philip Schaum's Outline of College Mathematics Fourth Edition
Wood Simon N. Generalized Additive Models
Sparkes Andrew C. Qualitative Research Methods in Sport Exercise and Health
Kondo Takumasa Encyclopedia of Scale Insect Pests
Platt Christine The Afrominimalist's Guide to Living with Less
Shaw AM Astrochemistry – The Physical Chemistry of the Universe 2e
Estes Richard D. The Safari Companion
Connolly Paul Using Randomised Controlled Trials in Education
Danaher John Automation and Utopia
Bjørkum Per Arne Annerledestenkerne; kreativitet i vitenskapens historie
Velisek J The Chemistry of Food Second Edition
Vincent James Beyond Measure
Prothero Donald R. Fantastic Fossils
Carwardine Mark Field Guide to Whales Dolphins and Porpoises
Hewson Claire Internet Research Methods
Diesen Jarle S. Organisk kjemi
Hartshorne Robin Algebraic Geometry
Pritchard Sara B. Technology and the Environment in History
Sassine Youssef Najib Mushrooms
Silverman David Interpreting Qualitative Data
Brown Terry Biochemistry
Tielens A. G. G. M. Molecular Astrophysics
Hanski Ilkka Messages from Islands
Photopoulos Julianna Butterflies
Hastings Philip A. Fishes: A Guide to Their Diversity
Shepard Paul Coming Home to the Pleistocene
Gobo Giampietro Merged Methods
Pettersen Petter Fatte matte
Wainwright Martin J. High-Dimensional Statistics
Loewe Emma Return to Nature: The New Science of How Natural Landscapes Restore Us
Piegl Les The NURBS Book
Hartwig John F. Organotransition Metal Chemistry
Brock Paul D. Britain's Insects
Kent Michael The Marine Environment and Biodiversity
Lawton Graham Opprinnelsen til
Lümmen Norbert Termodynamikk: kort og godt
Sommervoll Dag Einar Matematikk for økonomifag
Fitzgibbon Wendy Applied Photovoice in Criminal Justice
Kennedy Ryan Introduction to R for Social Scientists
Bailer A. John Statistics Behind the Headlines
Eberhard-Gran Malin Spørreskjema som metode; for helsefagene
Horne Thomas Den store klimaguiden; håndbok i gode klimavalg
Ramachandran Ganapathy Quantitative Risk Assessment in Fire Safety
Knoll A Fundamentals of Geobiology
Neuss Geoff Oxford IB Study Guides: Chemistry for the IB Diploma
Donoghue John A Prelude to Quantum Field Theory
Shirihai Hadoram Handbook of Western Palearctic Birds
Schneider Peter Extragalactic Astronomy and Cosmology
ART Bizony Piers The Art of NASA
Waterhouse Ann-Hege Lorvik Metodologiske ut-viklinger
Via Clifford Michael Statistical Inference via Data Science: A ModernDive into R and the Tidyverse
van Atteveldt W Computational Analysis of Communication
Larsen Henrik Gert The Theoretical Framework in Phenomenological Research
Norman Biggs Norman L. Discrete Mathematics
MacKinnon John Guide to the Birds of China
TASCHEN Oliver Byrne. The First Six Books of the Elements of Euclid
O'Donoghue Peter Statistics for Sport and Exercise Studies
Zinoviev Dmitry Complex Network Analysis in Python
Garbutt Nick Handbook of Mammals of Madagascar
Adams Robert Calculus
Field Andy Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS Statistics
Barker Simon R. Preventing Crises at Your University
Rowe David E. Proving It Her Way
Rasmussen Carl Edward Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning
Fisher Stuart Lochs of Scotland
Princeton Paul Gregory S. The Princeton Field Guide to Pterosaurs
Karlsson Jan Ch. Methods for Social Theory
Sinha Tilak An Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
ART Witton Mark Art and Science of the Crystal Palace Dinosaurs
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Greene Brian The Fabric of the Cosmos: Space Time and the Texture of Reality
Land Michael F. Animal Eyes
Rausand Marvin Risikoanalyse
Valdar Andy Understanding Telecommunications Networks
Knowledge Encyclopedia Science!
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Biesta Gert Educational Research
Hamill Les Understanding Hydraulics
Szabo Attila Modern Quantum Chemistry
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Tonelli Guido Genesis
Elliott Brent RHS The Rose
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Rothman Tony A Little Book about the Big Bang
Chen Francis Introduction to Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
Cranwell Philippa B. Experimental Organic Chemistry 3e
Basalla George The Evolution of Technology
Cohen Mike X Practical Linear Algebra for Data Science
Cumming Geoff Introduction to the New Statistics
Zettili N Quantum Mechanics – Concepts and Applications 3e
ART Ward Christina Preservation: The Art And Science Of Canning Fermentation And Dehydration
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Grant IS Electromagnetism 2e
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Kamenev Alex Field Theory of Non-Equilibrium Systems
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Paulus Trena M. Doing Qualitative Research in a Digital World
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deBuys William The Trail To Kanjiroba
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Whitehouse David The Alien Perspective
Floridi Luciano The Ethics of Information
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Lewis Rob Chemistry
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van Thiel Sandra Research Methods in Public Administration and Public Management
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Jaffe Robert L. The Physics of Energy
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Elliott David Molecular Biology of RNA
Lin Johnny Wei-Bing An Introduction to Python Programming for Scientists and Engineers
Maltman Alex Vineyards Rocks and Soils
Fulton William Representation Theory
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Singh Simon Big Bang
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White WM Isotope Geochemistry
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Moyes Christopher Principles of Animal Physiology
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Stokken Roar Handbok for førstegongsforskaren
Lien Jan R. Generell fysikk for universiteter og høgskoler. Bd. 1
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Tu Loring W. Differential Geometry
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Smith Mark Doing Research in Sport and Exercise
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Singh Kuldeep Linear Algebra
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de Onís Catalina M Energy Islands
Warnow Tandy Computational Phylogenetics
Coe Robert Research Methods and Methodologies in Education
dos Santos Lonsdale Maria Information Visualisation
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Adams Kathrynn A. Student Study Guide With IBM® SPSS® Workbook for Research Methods Statistics and Applications
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