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Physical Activity Epidemiology Sævi Tone Pedagogikk periferi og verdi Sperry Len Cognitive Behavior Therapy of DSM-5 Personality Disorders Mancosu, Paolo An Introduction to Proof Theory (019289594X) Watkins Marley A Step-by-Step Guide to Exploratory Factor Analysis with R and RStudio Cisco Systems Lammle T Understanding Cisco Networking Technologies Gagnon Jessica Social Justice in Times of Crisis and Hope Tveiten Sidsel Helsepedagogikk al-Razi, Fakhr al-Din The Great Exegesis (191114121X) Lauvås Per Vejledning og praksisteori Urden Linda D. 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The ECG in Emergency Decision Making Raaheim Arild Eksamensrevolusjonen Lippe, Marie Steine von der Religion i skolen (8215029078) Moos Lejf Nordiske skolesjefer Bouchard Claude Physical Activity and Health Lingås Lars Gunnar Pedagogisk veiledning Binder Per-Einar Et oppmerksomt liv Jávo Cecilie Kulturens betydning for oppdragelse og atferdsproblemer Gerrish K The Research Process in Nursing Higgins Agnes Advanced Practice in Mental Health Nursing Bueie Henning Programmering for matematikklærere Aspinall Victoria Clinical Procedures in Veterinary Nursing Aron Elaine N. Psychotherapy and the Highly Sensitive Person Cozolino Louis The Neuroscience of Human Relationships Weber David Mayhall’s Hospital Epidemiology and Infection Prevention Madsen Ole Jacob Garvey Robert Coaching and Mentoring Drake Richard L. Gray's Anatomy for Students Flash Cards Almarode John T. The Success Criteria Playbook Pettersvold Mari Profesjonell uro Mason Pip Health Behavior Change Elfström Ingela Barn og naturvitenskap Wilson, Barrie Searching for the Messiah (1643134507) Damsgaard Hilde Larsen Men hvordan gjør vi det? Myhre Hege Læreres profesjonsutøvelse i en utdanningspolitisk brytningstid Mark Margaret The Hero and the Outlaw: Building Extraordinary Brands Through the Power of Archetypes Young Johnnie 100 Ideas for Secondary Teachers: Teaching Drama Zeanah Jr. Charles H. Handbook of Infant Mental Health Lissauer T Neonatology at a Glance 4e Ogden Terje Klasseledelse Didau David Making Meaning in English Stanley D Clinical Leadership in Nursing and Healthcare 3rd Edition Gotvassli Kjell Aage Strategisk kompetanseutvikling i barnehagen Vilnes Malene God å snakke med: fra hverdagsproblemer til samtaler som redder liv Karlsen Kjersti Alvorlige psykiske lidelser hos barn og ungdom Andreasen J Traumatic Dental Injuries – A Manual 3e Gulson Kalervo N. 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Før sanden renner ut Branch Robert Maribe Instructional Design: The ADDIE Approach Billion Badziag Rafael The Billion Dollar Secret Sobel Daniel Leading on Pastoral Care Scott Selikoff Scott OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 17 Developer Study Guide Roussillon René The Deconstruction of Narcissism and the Function of the Object Ebby Caroline A Focus on Addition and Subtraction Sørensen Lars J. Sjælens længsel Angelo Elin Kunstner eller lærer? Abrahamsen Gerd Tilknytningsbaserte barnehager Hunt Lynne University Teaching in Focus Mikkelsen Rolf Geografididaktikk for klasserommet Uthus Marit Spesialpedagogen i en inkluderende skole Beins BC Effective Writing in Psychology – Papers Posters and Presentations 3e Castonguay Louis G. Psychopathology Lepera Nicole How to Do the Work: Recognize Your Patterns Heal from Your Past and Create Your Self Byram Michael The Experience of Examining the PhD Dawson Michael R.W. What is Cognitive Psychology? Rocksén Miranda Science and Technology Teacher Education in the Anthropocene Tholin Kristin Rydjord Barnehagelærer og pedagogisk leder Eiksund Hjalmar Nynorskdidaktikk ART Schaverien Joy Supervision of Art Psychotherapy Haegi Emily Engelsk 10 fra Cappelen Damm Howitt Dennis Understanding Statistics in Psychology with SPSS Stray Janicke Heldal Demokrati på timeplanen Jordan Martin Ecotherapy Benatar, David The Human Predicament (0190633816) Dobbin Frank Getting to Diversity Lillevik, Raymond Bibelen på slakk line (829292261X) Frey Nancy Teaching Visual Literacy Duncan, Stewart Materialism from Hobbes to Locke (0197613004) Aasen Joar Seks perspektiver på barn og unges utvikling Løkken Gunvor Levd observasjon Sigmundsson Hermundur Idrettspedagogikk Lindholm Markus Nysgjerrighet Rienecker Lotte God vejledning Segers Mien Theories of Workplace Learning in Changing Times Cook Erica Health Psychology Parker Monica The Power of Wonder Barth Tom Motiverende samtale - MI Kolstad Arnulf Grunnlagsproblemer i vitenskapene om mennesket Broberg Anders Tilknytningsteori Bialystok Lauren Touchy Subject Skrunes Njål Lærebokforskning Thun Cecilie Organisering arbeidsdeling og profesjonalitet i barnehagen Haslam S. 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Organizational Design Broberg Anders Klinisk barnepsykologi Kagan Spencer Cooperative learning Boniwell Ilona Positive Psychology: Theory Research and Applications Holtan Grethe Kommunikasjon Eriksen Bjørn Rektors styringsrett Brown Timothy A. Confirmatory Factor Analysis for Applied Research Saltman Kenneth J. The Politics of Education Olsen Trine Lykke Gandil og Martin Hauerberg Følgeligt Boaz Marc An Existential Approach to Interpersonal Trauma Rogers Jenny Building a Coaching Business: Ten steps to success 2e Bennett Tom Running the Room: The Teacher’s Guide to Behaviour Damsgaard Hilde Larsen Men hvordan gjør vi det? Mayer Emeran The Gut-Immune Connection Didau David Intelligent Accountability Haara Frode Olav Lærerutdanner i matematikk Urnes Anne-Grethe Den interaktive hjernen hos barn og unge Kamhi Alan Language and Reading Disabilities Henriksen Morten Novrup Frygtløs ledelse Bøttcher Louise Handicappsykologi Hwang Philip Gruppepsykologi ART Naughton Christopher Art Artists and Pedagogy McElreath Richard Statistical Rethinking Brown Peter C. Make it Stick Bulger Carrie A. Psychology and Work Today Solbu Kjersti Rognes Samtidslyrikk i klasserommet Dalen Monica Spesialundervisning til elevens beste? Aas Åsne Midtbø Dysleksihåndboka for lærere Campbell Natalie Developing and Supporting Athlete Wellbeing Nordstrom Alicia Innovative Stigma and Discrimination Reduction Programs Across the World Illeris Knud Contemporary Theories of Learning Roitblat Herbert L. Algorithms Are Not Enough Lamon Susan J. Teaching Fractions and Ratios for Understanding Keeley Page D. Science Formative Assessment Volume 1 Gilhooly Kenneth Cognitive Psychology 2e Jung C. G. The Red Book Thapar AT Rutter's Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 6e Van Haren Publishing The Togaf Standard Content Capability and Governance Ashton Michael C. Individual Differences and Personality Weick Karl E. Sensemaking in Organizations Vehkalahti Kimmo Multivariate Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences Second Edition Rudd James Nonlinear Pedagogy and the Athletic Skills Model Jensen Eric P. Brain-Based Learning Argent Katie Child Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in Primary Schools Cowan Connell Override Blake Peter Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy Hattie John A.C. 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